“Shhh.” Reed’s hand covered her mouth. “You will come tonight, Nicole. Trust me. And more than once, I promise.”

She wanted to believe him, already feeling more sensations inside her body than ever before. “But what if I can’t?”

Before she could give them the million reasons why she couldn’t, Sawyer began nibbling on her clit and thrusting his fingers into her pussy, hitting a spot that erupted into immense pulsating sensations that flooded her body. There was no doubt about what this was, her first climax ever. She’d never dreamed it would be so piercing and consuming. Her body was in charge, not her mind. Her pussy clenched and unclenched and clenched again. She could feel the liquid pouring out of her and into Sawyer’s ready mouth. And still she came and came and came.

She could hear herself scream but it sounded far away and distant to her, as the quakes in her body seemed to scream even louder. Reed’s and Sawyer’s licks and kisses were giving her the most supreme pleasure she’d ever felt in her life. Hot heady waves rolled through her again and again. Over and over. Stronger and stronger.

Sawyer pushed his finger in deeper into her pussy and started sucking her clit into his mouth, causing a new round of shattering trembles to flood her body. Every muscle tightened, every cell fired, every breath came out a scream. The incredible intensity went on and on until she was totally limp.

Sawyer moved up her body, returning to the place on her side he’d been earlier. He brushed his lips on her shoulder. Reed nibbled on her neck. Her heart pounded in her chest as she trembled between them.

“How do you feel, Chicago?” Reed asked, continuing to trace his fingertips over her body.

“It’s hard to describe, but I feel great.” She looked up at the faces staring down at her. God, they were gorgeous men. “Really great.”

“Just wait until we get inside your gorgeous body.” Reed’s sweet lascivious grin let her know he wasn’t even close to being done with her tonight.

Sawyer smiled broadly. “Your pleasure pleases us, baby, more than you can know.”

Still reeling from her orgasm, she was surprised at how her pussy seemed to react to their lusty talk as it throbbed and ached once again. This wasn’t her norm. For chrissakes, she was a cop—maybe benched at the moment, but still a gun-toting, badge-wearing Chicago police officer. So why was she acting like a frail, fainting woman? Because these two cowboys seemed to know every spot on her body that could work her into a stupor, and God what a stupor.

“You’re so beautiful, Chicago.” Reed ran his hand up her neck.

She bit her bottom lip to keep from pleading with them for more. Trying to raise her mental walls back up but failing miserably, she closed her eyes tight.

“Don’t, Chicago.” Reed’s voice was filled with sharp warning.

When she felt his fingers on her chin, she opened her eyes. “Don’t what?”

“You know what I mean. Don’t pull back. Keep yourself open.” His tone softened. “I want you to experience more pleasure than you’ve ever had before. I want tonight be unforgettable for you.”

“It already is,” she confessed, feeling the sting of grateful tears in her eyes. “I want you to enjoy tonight as much as I do. Fair is fair. I’m a modern woman.” She reached between both their legs and grabbed their big, hard dicks, one in each of her hands.

The lusty growls that came out of both of them thrilled her.

Sawyer’s hot gaze seared into her. “Don’t think you’re in charge here, baby. You’re not.” His deep voice held more promise than threat and that delighted her.

“Isn’t sex a fifty-fifty thing, or in this case three-thirds?”

“No,” Reed said, wrapping his hand over hers, helping her stroke his cock. “It’s a one hundred and ten percent thing and it’s all for you, Chicago. Our pleasure comes from yours, understand?”

“Not really.” Actually, not one bit, but God, she loved how focused they seemed to be on her. They took lovemaking to a new level, a level she’d never known was even possible.

“Fuck, I love your tits,” Reed said, cupping them with his big hands.

Female police officers learned the ins and outs of male conversation from their very first day on the force. She was no exception. Even though she’d heard the word “tits” a million times back at the station, she’d never been fond of it. But the way Reed talked about her breasts, using that word didn’t sound denigrating at all. He was clearly mesmerized by her chest, hell, her entire body, and that added to her own excitement.

“You want more, Nicole?” Sawyer’s thick fingers threaded through her ripe pussy, but he seemed to make sure he never touched her clitoris. The teasing was driving her mad.

“Yes. God, yes.”

Suddenly, Reed fisted himself. She gazed at his cock as the head began to weep a drop of pre-cum. “Let’s condom up.”

She heard the sound of a wrapper tearing behind her. She turned and saw Sawyer rolling a condom down his dick. Another rip, pulled her attention back to Reed, who was sheathing his cock with a rubber, too.

I’m doing this? I’m actually going to do this? Her logic tried to claw its way back to the front of her brain, but it couldn’t seem to get through the flood of need inside her. She wasn’t about to stop them. Never had she wanted something so much as she wanted them to be inside her, to fill her, to merge her body with theirs in the most intimate of ways.

“I want your pussy, Chicago. I will have your pussy tonight.”