“Sweet?” Reed said. “I’ve never been accused of that before, Chicago.” Then his laugh that followed his words reached into her, filling her with warmth and tiny quakes.

Even though the guilt and demons of her past seemed so very far away from here, they were still present in the back of her mind. Their voices, now muted, still mocked and taunted her to turn back from this path of pleasure, saying she didn’t deserve this—ever. And there was still the business of the missing persons report issue. The sheriff might have sidetracked her for a day or two, but no more. She needed to get back on the case to help Henry, despite his good-intentioned betrayal. She looked into Sawyer’s green eyes, and then at Reed’s blue ones. Their dual intensity was mind-boggling and body-warming. She wanted them. They wanted her.

As Sawyer lowered her onto the mattress, she felt almost as though it was floating like the one in the dream. Or was it just her body that was soaring above the covers? Hovering mattress or buoyant body didn’t seem to change the fact that her bathtub dream had miraculously come into being in the here and now, in the flesh of two sexy cowboys, from her imagination into her reality.

Sawyer moved onto the bed next to her, skating his fingertips along her arms. “I want you to think of this room as a safe haven, baby. Tonight is about you. Okay?”

She nodded, tingling from head to toe.

Reed took off his shirt revealing his wickedly hot chest. “We’re going to give you so much pleasure in this bed, Chicago, your body and mind will be totally blown. Mark my words.”

I guess the case can wait until tomorrow.

“Kiss me, baby.” Sawyer leaned in, and she

let her arms circle his neck once again. She pressed her mouth to his. As he whetted their kiss, sending his hungry tongue past her lips, she inhaled his manly scent of leather and gunpowder with the slightest note of steel. Still humid from her recent watery doze, her pussy’s ache returned and multiplied. Everything inside her seemed to be burning divinely.

When their kiss ended, she looked over at Reed, who was now completely devoid of clothing and holding a box of condoms. Her heart thudded in her chest like a racehorse. A sharp, logical mind would most definitely hit the brakes on this course, but her mind was neither at the moment. Right or wrong, she wanted them to take her, to claim her, to make her feel like never before, to help her forget.

“Don’t forget the lube, Reed.” Sawyer’s lips crushed against hers once again, blasting her need into the stratosphere.

With one cowboy kissing her, the other removed the towel from her body. She could feel Reed’s lips on the back of her neck. In a flash, the brothers shuffled her between them, switching positions. Reed was next to her on the bed, kissing her, and Sawyer was stripping off his clothes.

When Reed pushed the hair out of her eyes, she chewed on her lower lip, trying to keep herself from moaning. The sensations they were creating in her were more than she’d ever felt before. Hot. Electric. Massive.

Reed kissed her, tangling his tongue with hers. Every nerve inside her seemed alive and on fire. Feeling Reed’s thick, hard cock against her naked thigh sparked a renewed burn in her throbbing clit. She closed her eyes as his lips moved from her mouth to her neck, pelting her with hot kisses. She was having trouble catching her breath as Sawyer’s tongue traced the center of her back and down her spine. Their dual mouth assault was sending her higher and higher, hotter and hotter. Her walls were not only down, but were crumbling into rubble and dust by these men. Why? What was it about them that pushed her forward for more? Everything. Their rugged charm and honest desire had taken hold of her. Though she’d been careful not to let her intrigue of them show at the club in Destiny, she had been captivated from the beginning. Now, she was completely mesmerized by them. Reed and Sawyer had an impact on her like no men she’d ever known.

“I shouldn’t do this,” she said, as the old painful memories began to creep into her consciousness again. I don’t deserve this.

Reed’s all-consuming blue stare made her blink. He moved his gaze to Sawyer. She turned to her other cowboy and looked into his knowing eyes. It was as if he could see into her most secret places.

Sawyer smiled and cupped her chin. He didn’t say anything but turned to Reed. Something unspoken seemed to pass between them. Then their joint and confident attention landed right on her.

“Not only do you deserve this, Nicole, you need this.” Sawyer’s kindness took her breath away.

Giving in to her emotions got her in trouble. Always. But she didn’t want to get them back under control now even though she knew she should. She wanted to feel again, really feel. These men were opening her up and she just couldn’t bring herself to stop them. Still, wasn’t it important to make them understand? Didn’t they have a right to know how screwed up she was? “You should know something about me before we do this.”

Reed’s comforting smile caused her heart to leap in her chest. “I know all I need to know, Chicago.”

Sawyer stroked her hair. “Whatever demons you carry, sweetheart, don’t matter to us. We want you to have pleasure.”

Their sweet words made her want to cry. No one had ever made her feel so wanted in her whole life.

Reed kissed her shoulder. “You’ve had it hard, haven’t you?”

She held back her tears by blinking. “No more than most, I suppose.”

“Not true, baby,” Sawyer said. “Let us make things easier for you, at least for tonight. We can handle everything.”

She looked from one brother to the other, shocked to see immeasurable tenderness in their eyes. It was too much, too powerful, too possessive even. “I’m not trying to be difficult,” she said, though knowing that was exactly what she was being. She had to. She’d always taken care of herself, good or bad, right or wrong. As much as she’d like to think of this as just sex, it wouldn’t be. That was something she was certain of. “I’m just saying it might be better to slow roll this, don’t you think?”

“Slow is fun sometimes, but I’m not sure that’s what you want, Nicole.” That was the first time Reed had called her by her actual name, and it made her shiver with delight, though when he called her “Chicago” that also never failed to make her tingle. His fingertips ran down her trembling arm. “Do you really want us to stop?”

“No,” she said, hearing the whisper of desire in her own voice.

Reed smiled, and she saw fire ignite in his blue eyes, making her feel wonderfully vulnerable.

Surrounded by the heat of his and Sawyer’s bodies, she felt her need expand inside her, heat ripping through every inch of her insides. She closed her eyes and moaned as each of them kissed her tingling skin on opposite sides of her neck. Reed’s hand cupped her breasts and Sawyer’s skated down her side and over her abdomen. Their cocks pressed against her thighs causing her breath to catch in her chest and heat shivers to go up and down her spine. Every nerve seemed to sizzle and spark as their mouths and hands worked her body into a state of frenzy. She could feel electrified currents coming online through her, from her neck to her breasts down her belly to her dampening pussy.