When her fingertips touched not Reed, but something with tiny legs on her face, she opened her eyes and screamed.

Chapter Eight

Nicole opened her eyes and swatted at the thing on her nose that had pulled her from the dream she was having about Sawyer and Reed. What was it? She looked down the bridge of her nose but her eyes didn’t seem to want to focus. Her mind was still fuzzy from her recent doze in the tub.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps and then the sheets fell to the ground. Sawyer and Reed stood there with their guns drawn and ready for whatever assailant she faced.

“You okay, Chicago?” Reed’s worried eyes locked on her.

“It’s a–a…”

“A what?” Sawyer asked, looking around the porch.

And then the monster came into view. “It’s a moth,” she confessed, shocked and embarrassed.

“What do we do now?” Reed said, aiming his gun at the winged insect now rising into the air. “Do you want me to shoot it?”

Coming out of the water and to her feet, she laughed, grabbing the towel they’d left for her and wrapping it around her body. “Now do you believe me when I say I’m a seasoned cop?”

Both men cracked up, and that fueled her hysterics. It felt good to laugh, to let go, to be happy.

She felt herself shivering and looked down. The towel didn’t cover much. The sudden heat in her cheeks reminded her of that fact.

“Here’s another towel, Chicago.” She looked up and into Reed’s steady gaze, which was fixed on her eyes. “The temperature drops fast in the mountains this late in the day.”

As her giggles softened, she took the welcomed longer towel and wrapped it around her body. Reed was supposed to be the lustier one of the two cowboys. At least that was what he’d consistently been like since she’d met him. “A damn moth. Oh my God.”

A new round of happy shrieks left her lips, causing them to all nearly fall to the floor again.

“We’ll always save you, Chicago,” Reed said, his tone taking on a serious note.

“Thank you.” Lost in the moment of his sweetness, she couldn’t remember ever being so relaxed, so calm. It wouldn’t have happened without Reed and Sawyer. They’d helped her get to this wonderful state. “I don’t know how I would’ve survived that beast without you.” The cowboys smiled and she leaned forward and pressed her lips to Reed’s and then to Sawyer’s. These men had brought out a side of her she’d never experienced.

Again, she shivered but this time it wasn’t from being chilled—quite the opposite. This time it was from her insides warming up. She turned her attention back to Reed and Sawyer. They were looking at her with potent stares. Oh God, why did I do that?

“Thank you for the sweet kiss, Chicago.” Reed cupped her chin. “But now that I’ve tasted those gorgeous lips of yours, I want more.”

His mouth came crashing into hers. Her kiss had been meant as a sweet thank-you. His was something else entirely. He clearly intended to take charge here, to flood her with his will. He tasted warm and so very manly. Heat spread through her as his tongue traced the line between her lips and then pushed in—into her mouth. Her toes curled and her heart swelled in her chest. When his arms came around her, a tingle spread through her. Such rock-solid muscles pressing against her soft flesh reminded her she was a woman, feminine and vulnerable. Even in this state of vulnerability, she felt protected by him. His lusty kiss went on and on, and she began to feel woozy.

This is real. This isn’t a dream.

She could feel his rugged hands on her shoulders, sending quakes through her body from his fingertips. She’d been drowning for years, flooded with guilt and loneliness. For the first time in a very long time she could stop trying so hard and just be. God, it felt so good, so wonderful, so…there just weren’t words to describe what she was feeling.

Reed released her lips for a moment and pulled her hair out of the towel she’d wrapped it in. She looked at his face, so incredibly handsome. Feeling his hands on her back took her breath away.

“Sawyer, you have to taste her lips. They’re delicious.” Reed took a step back.

Sawyer moved in front of her. The sweet gentleman cowboy she’d come to know in him was gone. Now, he looked more savage than civilized, more dangerous than sweet. His hands caught her hair and the little tug he gave her locks caused her breath to catch in her chest. “Yes, I must.”

He leaned down and kissed her fully on the mouth. It wasn’t a gentle brush of his mouth against hers by any definition. There was clearly hunger in his lips and tongue, deep and hot. Her body’s reaction startled her. Never had she gotten so wet so fast, and especially not from a kiss. Her clit began to throb steadily. She felt so very warm as Sawyer’s domination of her mouth continued. As he pulled her in closer, his tongue swept past her lips.

Suddenly, Sawyer shoved his arms under her knees and hauled her up his massive frame. Nicole was thrilled at how light she felt in his hold. She placed her forehead on his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck. As he carried her back into the cabin, Reed followed behind.

Still groggy from the lazy bath, she closed her eyes, relishing the indulgent haze.

Sawyer held her tight. “You’re beautiful, sweetheart. So fucking beautiful.” He spoke like she was a goddess and he was her worshiper.

“Thank you,” she said, feeling the prick of happy tears in her eyes. “You both have been so sweet to me.”