“Perhaps.” Disappointment swept through her like a steamroller. She handed the empty cup back to Cody. “I’m not sure. Thank you for the tea.”

“I’ve got an idea if you’re up for it, sweetheart.”

“No more tea. Please.” Tea wasn’t going to solve her problems.

“No.” Cody shook his head. “How about a bath? It might unfasten those ties that are holding your memories from you.”

The idea wasn’t half bad. “Does your bathroom have a mirror?”

“Shit. We should’ve thought of that.” Emmett opened a drawer and pulled out a hand mirror. “Seeing yourself might jog your memory.”

“No,” Bryant stated firmly. “She shouldn’t see herself this way. Not with blood in her hair.”

“I don’t understand,” she said.

“Put it away, Emmett,” Bryant ordered. “Let’s get her cleaned up, and then she can see her reflection and not until.”

“You’re going to clean me up?” Her nerves went into overdrive. “I can bathe myself, fellows.” In fact, she wanted to. They were the only people she knew in the whole world at the moment, but they were still strangers to her. She was lost and alone until her mind healed, but she wasn’t about to be stupid.

Cody touched her elbow. “Sweetheart—”

“My name is most definitely not ‘sweetheart,’ and I wish you’d stop calling me that.” Her tone came out harsher than she’d meant it to.

His eyes saddened. “True. What shall we call you until we know your real name?”

Why was she being so rude to them? They’d only tried to help her. “I’m sorry, Cody. I’m just so upset about this. It’s horrible not knowing who you are.”

“It’s okay. I understand.” Apparently, he could be serious when necessary.

“Do you know your eyes are beautiful?” Emmett asked.

What did her eyes have to do with anything? “I haven’t seen them, so no. I don’t know. I’ll trust that you’re telling me the truth.”

“I am.” Emmett smiled. “They look like little pools of whiskey.”

“Whiskey?” Where was he going with this?

“Would you mind if we called you ‘Whiskey’?”

Bryant chuckled. “You’ve got absolutely no finesse when it comes to women, Emmett.”

“Why do you say that? What’s wrong with whiskey?” Emmett looked crushed.

“He’s got a point, Bryant,” Cody interjected. “All of us love whiskey. Kind of makes sense.”

“You guys are too much.” She smiled at the thought of getting named by these three cowboys. Even if it turned out to be only temporary, she might end up with a name that was better suited to a horse than a woman.

Bryant cupped her chin. “Amber.

That’s the color of your eyes. How would you like to be called ‘Amber’?”

His eyes were mesmerizing. Cowboy hypnotist? Probably. “I like the name very much.”

“Who knows?” Cody smiled. “Maybe that is your real name.”

She laughed. “You’re the worst of the three of you, aren’t you?”

“Smart and beautiful,” Cody said. “You like cream and sugar with your tea. What else are we going to learn about you, Amber?”