She held out her hand and saw the tremble of her fingers. Immediately, she recoiled her hand back. “Thank you, Cody. I’ll drink it later.”

“You’ll drink it now, doll,” he commanded. “You get to pick which cup, but once done, you’ll drink all of it. Consider it your medicine.” His I-mean-business tone was easy to detect, but his eyes sparkled with mischievousness that was not hard to miss.

“It will make you feel better,” Bryant cajoled. “Might stop your trembles, too.”

“Lucky me,” she joked. “Three nurses disguised as cowboys. I’m not sure I’m really awake.”

Bryant cupped her chin. “You’re awake. And by the looks of you and the tone in your voice, I’d say you’re doing well. Drink.”

She had a feeling these cowboys could persuade her to do just about anything if they worked together. “Three against one isn’t fair.”

Emmett’s fixed gaze unnerved her. “We never play fair, miss. Drink.”

“Your bedside manners seem to be hardening.” She laughed, her anxiety still present but a little less crushing. “I think I like the way you guys were earlier.”

Cody sat on the bed, his weight depressing the mattress. He held one of the cups in front of her. “This one is straight. Nothing added.”

“I surrender.” All three cowboys’ eyes seemed to light up. She took the cup from Cody and sipped the warm liquid. “It’s fine.”

“Not good enough. Try this one.” He held out another cup. “This one is cream only.”

Bryant took the first cup from her, and she curled her fingers around the new one, taking a quick sip. “Good. This will do.”

“She’s a tough one for sure.” Emmett picked up one of the cups from the tray. “What’s in this one?” he asked.

“Cream and sugar,” Cody answered.

“Here,” he said, handing it to her and taking away the cream-only cup. “I’m betting this will be the one you like the best.”

“I like the other two just fine.”

“Stubborn.” Cody shook his head. “Perhaps that’s what we should call you until you remember your name. What do you think, guys?”

She closed her eyes, searching her brain for any memories from before awakening here in this cabin. “I wish I could remember my name. You can’t imagine how disconcerting that is to me.”

“It’s tough but you will remember. Trust us.” Bryant’s masculine face softened. “Now drink.”

Even though they were strangers to her, she was feeling more comfortable with them. If they wanted to harm her, they could’ve easily done so even if she didn’t have the bump on her head. They were men. Strong men. Muscled men. Powerful men. Three men. No way would she have any chance if their intentions were something dark and dangerous. Thankfully, they were being helpful and attentive, but they were also being intensely demanding and bullheaded. Still, they seemed kind and even sweet. She wanted to trust her instincts, but wasn’t sure she should. Had her instincts worked for her in the past? Her muddled brain wouldn’t release that or any other bit of information.

She took a sip of the cream-and-sugar cup of tea. The flavors exploded in her mouth in a familiar way. “This is it. I like cream and sugar in my tea. I think I’ve liked it for some time.” Excitement welled up in her.

“I knew it,” Emmett said, grinning from ear to ear. “What else do you remember?”

She closed her eyes and took another long drink, filling her mouth with the steamy goodness. Yes. She had enjoyed her tea with cream and sugar. But where? And when? Was that an odd combination in the United States? Had she visited England sometime? Why could she remember this was the United States but not her own name? Not her own home?

Another sip.

An image floated to her mind of a boy. A beautiful Hispanic boy. He was sitting in front of a television watching a cartoon, something about a dragon. He turned his head and smiled at her, warming her heart. What was his name? She fisted the cup with both hands, trying to call forth anything that might unlock her memories. Did this boy have anything to do with the accident? No. A single kernel of her past came to her. She’d been alone when this occurred. What’s my name? What’s his name?

“I’m remembering.” She sipped on the magic brew again. Still, she couldn’t call forth the boy’s name or hers, but they were linked somehow. She knew it down to her very core but wasn’t sure how or why. “I was alone when the accident happened.”

“Keep going, sweetheart.” Cody’s excitement shook his voice.

Another taste. Right and bliss? What did those words mean? Then the spell ended and the images vanished.

“That’s it. I saw a boy in front of a television set.”

“Your son, maybe?” Bryant asked.