Seeing her sweet smile and pink cheeks was the best medicine in the whole wide world.

Chapter Seventeen

Amber looked into the eyes of her completely healed cowboy Master, Emmett.

He, Cody, and Bryant were wearing their Dom attire—tight pants, leather harness, and military boots, all in black. Could there be a more mouthwatering trio? Her answer was an unequivocal “no.”

She’d been sitting on the porch sipping tea when they suddenly appeared without warning in their sexy garb and commanded her into the playroom. Her body sizzled instantly that very moment. Emmett’s recovery was over, and he was all the way back to his wicked, demanding normal.

“Time to strip our slave, brothers.” Emmett cupped her chin. “You’re going to be punished, pet.”

His harsh stare made her a nervous wreck and made her body vibrate hotly. His recovery completed, his hunger seemed to fill the entire playroom.

“Color?” His word wasn’t a gentle request. It was an order, an ultimatum, a mandate from her Master that best be answered or else, and it was the “else” that had her trembling.

“Green, Sir.” She shivered just thinking about the pleasure to come. And the punishment? Reaching into her bravest parts, she risked her own question. “Master, what am I being punished for?”

“I’ve been planning this night, little one, since I woke up in the hospital and saw your sweet face gazing down at me.”

That long? No wonder she couldn’t tamp down her shivers. “You have, Sir?”

“Yes, I have. Cody and Bryant, your other Masters, have worked out the details with me.”

They all looked so wonderfully wicked. Could she bear whatever it was they’d set up for her?

Emmett continued. “You remember what happened in the sheriff’s office?”

“I did something wrong in there, Master?”

“Yes. I made it clear, and so did Bryant, that we wanted you to stay put. But you pushed back and batted those pretty eyelashes of yours. We’re partly to blame, too, slave, but you should’ve obeyed us from the start. If you had, you would’ve been safe with us. I will not tolerate disobedience, little one. My job is to keep you safe, first and foremost. You kept me from doing my job. I don’t want that to ever happen again.”

Cody removed her top over her head. “Neither do I, sub.” The flirty cowboy she’d first met in him was gone. His unsmiling face terrified and intrigued her.

Bryant removed her jeans. “We have to punish you.”

Standing in only her bra and panties, she felt more exposed than ever, even though she’d been intimate with all of them. Cody and Bryant had introduced her to what a threesome could be like—too incredible for words. Emmett’s tongue had ushered in new and overwhelming sensations she’d never known existed, and ever since, she’d been craving like mad to experience it again.

“You’re our woman. Do you know what that means, little one?” Emmett asked.

From her head to her toes, s

he was theirs. “Yes, Sir.”

“I’m not sure you do. But you will. You’re our responsibility, slave. Ours to keep. Ours to protect. Ours to pleasure. Ours to do with as we please. Understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

“You have to trust us. We know what’s best for you. I’m glad you came to us, baby, but when I heard from Nate what led you to us, what you had done stealing those drugs, I about lost it.” He turned to Bryant. “Hand me Blackie.”

Bryant nodded and handed the scary-looking black paddle to him—the same paddle Emmett had threatened her with the first time in the playroom. Then it had been a test. When he’d asked her color state, she’d confessed with “yellow.” Now this wasn’t a test. This was punishment, plain and simple. Trust. I trust Emmett. I trust Cody. I trust Bryant. She absolutely did trust her cowboys, but that wasn’t backing down her nerves, not one bit.

Emmett swung it in front of her, and she felt the blast of air it moved on her face, giving her the worst case of the willies. “You’re reckless and headstrong. Tonight you’re going to learn what it means to disobey us. What happened in the past, back in Chicago, in the sheriff’s office, can’t happen again. We take the risks, not you. After tonight, you’ll think twice before you act so rash.”

He swung it again, and her heartbeats sped up in her chest and her breathing hitched tight in her throat.

What would the monstrous thing feel like on her ass? The other paddle had warmed her ass up quite nice. Would Blackie burn her until she couldn’t stand on her own?

As Cody removed her bra and Bryant her panties, a palpitating shudder shot through Amber as her trepidation and wantonness came to blows, warring for supremacy inside her.