He harshened his tone. “Slave, answer me. Do. You. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said in a wispy tone, coming back to him, if only a little.

“That’s my girl. Hang tough. I need you to be strong, little one.”

“I’ll try, Master.”

Bryant had left to find Doc Ryder and bring him back.

Cody had seen his fair share of wounds like his brother’s in Afghanistan. Thankfully, the bullet hadn’t exited out Emmett’s back. If it had, his brother wouldn’t have a chance, not that he was out of the woods yet.

Scott Knight ran up to him. “Doc’s on his way, Cody. Should be here in five minutes.”

He nodded. “Would you take Amber someplace else?”

“No,” she snapped firmly, a hint her haze was lifting some. “I’m not leaving Emmett.”

“Okay, baby. You can stay.” He looked at Knight. “Make sure she doesn’t fall down.”

“Sure thing.” The billionaire brother put his arm around her. “How about we sit down, miss.”

“Okay,” she muttered, glancing back at the corpse of Sergei, the motherfucker Emmett had nailed in the head with every bullet from his pistol. Securely on the ground, she took a deep breath. “Emmett’s going to make it.”

“Yes, little one.” He prayed it was true.

His big brother had saved Amber—their woman. Emmett had always been his hero, though Cody couldn’t think of a time he’d ever told him.

Even though they were tight, as tight as any brothers could be, he’d resented Emmett trying to step up and play parent after the accident that took their mom and dads. The sacrifices his brother made had been colossal. Placing two orphaned fifteen-year-olds together in a foster home wasn’t going to happen. If Emmett hadn’t cast his dreams of college aside to make sure he and Bryant stayed together with him, their family would’ve been ripped apart even more.

More of Destiny’s citizens filled the street. He watched as Hiro and Melissa Phong led their staff out onto the street. They all seemed to be unharmed. He noticed several people offer the shivering employees their jackets. He’d been around the world during his years in the service, but no place on earth was like this place. Neighbors helped each other without fail.

Cody felt a hand on his back. He turned and looked into the loving eyes of Ethel, the wife of Patrick and Sam O’Leary. Though there was no genetic connection, she and her husbands were like grandparents to him and his brothers.

The silver-haired lady’s blue eyes sparkled with apparent hope. “Cody, he’s going to be okay. You’ll see.”

Standing next to her, Patrick agreed. “Ethel’s right. Have faith.”

He nodded and looked back at Emmett. Faith. More than his big brother or even Bryant, he’d been labeled as having too much of it. The day Amber had arrived, his beliefs in the possible mushroomed high into the sky. Now, he needed faith, faith for his brother, his hero.

He leaned down and whispered into Emmett’s ear, choking back doubt. “Fate brought Amber to us to make us a family again. You’ve got to fight. Fight, Emmett. Believe in us. I sure believe in you.”

Chapter Sixteen

Emmett continued spiraling down, but the spinning and the descent seemed to be slowing. Death wasn’t what he’d imagined, not that he’d given it much thought before. Afterlife issues were Cody’s to mull over, not his.

No fire yet. He took that as a good sign, knowing the list was incredibly long that had earned him a ticket to th

e brimstone burg. He’d killed while in the Marine Corps. Duty to his country demanded his best, and he’d given it. He didn’t revel in his kills in Iraq. He did, however, take great satisfaction for one kill, his last. If the Devil’s playground was his final destination, he would be sure to look up Sergei, the motherfucker who had meant to harm his Amber. That would definitely bring a little heaven to his eternity.

“He’s smiling.” Amber didn’t sound distant or dreamlike. “Emmett, are you awake?”

Was he still on the ground in the middle of the street? He never expected to hear her sweet voice again. The pain returned but duller than before. He opened his eyes and gazed at the love of his life’s beautiful, concerned face.

“I’m here, cowboy.” Amber pressed her lips to his. He could feel heaven and earth and everything in between in that kiss.

“You put quite the scare in us, bro.” Leaning on crutches, Cody stood next to Amber. “How’s your pain?”

“Bearable. Pain meds?”