She glanced over at the speaker, who was hovering on the right side of the bed, opposite Cody. His name was E-something. Emmett. That was it. Emmett’s face was full of worry. Was it worry for her?

“I’d like to sit up.” Being back in the bed she’d just left oddly comforted her. These three had clearly brought her back while she was out. It seemed as if they didn’t mean her harm, but she couldn’t be sure. In fact, she couldn’t be sure of anything with a total memory that was less than thirty minutes long at the moment.

Cody’s twin, Bryant, adjusted her pillow so that she could sit up slightly. “That better?” He brushed a lock of her hair out of her eyes.

“Much. Thank you.”

“No need to talk, miss. Rest. We can figure all this out later.” Cody smiled at her.

The pain in the top of her head made her wince. She reached up to touch the source, but Emmett’s strong yet gentle hand stopped her from reaching it.

“Best not to do that.” This guy was quite serious and self-assured. He clearly was familiar with taking charge. “It’s just below your hairline, and I’m afraid it might start bleeding again.”

“Okay.” Her fingertips did find the lower strands of her hair. They were thick with dried blood. “Was I in an accident?”

Emmett nodded.

“What kind of accident?” She needed a bath to wash the mess out of her hair, but that would have to wait until she knew more. And her head quit pounding.

“I think an automobile accident, but I didn’t see a car,” Emmett answered. “I found you slumped over in the road by our property line just as this storm was coming on.”

“Why here? Why not a hospital?” she asked, truly hoping to make sense of everything but having a difficult time.

“Rather than trying to get you to the clinic in Destiny, I decided to bring you to our cabin.” Emmett seemed kind. “It’s the best choice since the roads were already impassable.”

She sighed. What kind of crazy dream was she living?

“Do you know why you were all the way up here? There’s nothing much around these parts but ranches.”

Closing her eyes, she tried to force her mind to pull up the memory. Nothing. Nada. “I don’t remember anything before waking up in this bed. I don’t even remember my name.”

She could feel panic rising inside her. She took in a deep breath to calm herself and felt a pain in her chest, causing her to wince.

Bryant’s hand touched her cheek. “That’s probably from an airbag being deployed. That’s our guess anyway. You don’t appear to have any broken bones.”

“Did I hit someone? Is anyone else hurt?”

Emmett shrugged. “You were the only one I found.”

A bang of thunder shook the room and her. “How long has it been storming?”

“Over an hour, and it doesn’t seem to be letting up.”

“The storm has washed out all the roads, but we still need to get you into town to see the doc as soon as we can,” Cody explained. “We must get you checked out.”

“Can’t you just call someone for help?” She didn’t think she needed to see a doctor, but maybe the police could help her find her car. Then maybe she could find her ID and know who she was.

“There’s no phone or Internet service this high up the mountain. We’re stuck here for a while.” Emmett seemed to be worried about the situation.

Cody walked to the door. “We’ll have to make do until the rain stops. How about some tea, sweetheart?”

Her mouth felt like cotton. “Yes. I would love some.”

“How do you like it?” he asked.

Another simple question but one she couldn’t answer, her memory still lost to her. “I’m not sure.”

“We’ll all discover your likes and dislikes together.” Emmett’s tone was deep yet tender and comforting, too. “Make her three cups. One plain. One with sugar. One with cream.”