Bryant nodded.

“Maybe that’s true, but I would feel better if you waited until tomorrow when we all can be here to support you.” She wasn’t about to throw in the towel on what she thought he should do, and he couldn’t help but love her more for it. “Emmett, don’t you agree?”

Emmett shook his head. “I do not. Amber, you might think this isn’t safe, but I trust Cody.”

“So do I,” Bryant added.

“But there’s no cell service here.” The worry in her voice couldn’t be missed. “If he insists on doing this, shouldn’t one of you two stay?”

“I grew up in these mountains, Amber.” Cody gazed at the woman who he would never stop loving no matter her past or who was in it. He’d resigned himself to the fact that he might have to let her go, but he prayed it wouldn’t come to that. “I know how to traverse them. I won’t be long. This should take me no more than an hour and a half to get down and back up.”

“Can’t you wait until we talk with the sheriff? Once we finish up with him, you can take me to your house in town and we can all get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow we can head back up here. I won’t be so worried then.”

“Baby, I’ve got the best climbing gear made. Besides, I want to be prepared and know more about you before we make any decisions.”

She turned and faced him with her long lashes fluttering like two frightened butterflies. “Why? What will that change? You saw the photo just like I did. How can you deny it’s not me?”

“I’m not giving up on you, on us. I won’t.”

“But the report said that I’m married.”

“It didn’t say you were ‘happily married.’ There might be something in the van that will show me a way how I can keep you.” He pointed to Emmett and Bryant. “How we can keep you. I have to believe that, Amber.”

She’d clearly been stunned by what they’d learned from Jason. Now the cloud around her seemed to be lifting slightly. “So do I, Cody. I hope you’re right.”

“I am certain that I am right,” he lied, wishing to calm her fears and his own. “There might even be divorce papers in your van.”

* * * *

Emmett stared down at the damaged van below. “The cliff is unstable, Cody. Be careful.”

“You’ve always said I was part monkey. This will be a piece of cake.”

Bryant spoke in a quiet, calm tone. “I could stay like Amber suggested.”

Cody shook his head. “I’ve climbed worse. Besides, she needs as much support as she can get.”

Bryant nodded. “Doc, first. Then the sheriff.”

“I want to get Amber’s identification and whatever else will give us a clue to the pieces of her life that aren’t in that report. That’s what I want.”

“No, Cody. You can’t.” Her voice was filled with worry for Cody’s safety. “Please, listen to me. I’m not going anywhere no matter what anyone says. I need time to let everything sink in.”

He watched intently as Cody stepped in front of her.

His brother grabbed both her hands and pulled them up to his chest. “Feel that. That’s my heart, Amber. It’s beating.”

“Yes, I feel it.”

“It will still be beating when you see me again. I promise. Trust me. I’ll be fine. Go with my brothers to town. I’ll be along in a flash and in my hands will be what we need to fix everything. You’ll see and so will these two pessimists.”

He admired his brother’s tenacity and unbending faith in what might be.

She leaned in and kissed Cody. “Okay, but you better not be long. Promise me that.”

“I promise, baby.”

“How far is it to Destiny?” she asked.