Emmett looked around his cabin. A week earlier, its feel had been more like barracks than a home. After Amber had pulled out candles she’d found tucked away in some drawers and other decorative items she’d discovered in the back of one of the closets, the place had been transformed from a gloomy, dank cabin into a bright, airy home. Even the fragrance of the wildflowers she’d placed in a couple of vases enhanced the feel. How long had it been since he’d felt at home anywhere? He had his brothers, for sure. They were his family and had his back always, and he had theirs. Even so, he hadn’t felt at home, really at home, since losing his parents. That was, until Amber’s arrival. She’d changed everything. He’d been blind to what his life and his brothers’ lives had become. Now, he could see for the first time in his life.

Amber placed a plate with a sandwich and some chips in front of him. “I sure hope Bryant and Cody remember to bring the groceries I put on the list.”

He and Amber had been silent on discussing his brothers’ absence and pending return since before the time in the playroom together. “I’m sure they will bring you everything you asked for.”

She sat across from him at the table and stared into her own plate, its contents mirroring his. “I don’t know about you, cowboy, but I’m in the mood for some pasta and a nice, big salad.”

“Sounds delicious, but I would be happy eating your peanut butter and banana sandwiches every meal.”

She grinned and shook her head. “I doubt that.”

He watched her take a bite of her lunch and imagined what it would feel like to have her sweet lips on his cock. Fuck, there I go again. Keeping his head around her was proving to be the hardest thing he’d ever done.

“Can I ask you a question, Emmett?” Her big golden eyes threatened to push him over the edge.

“Ask away, sweetheart.”

“Why did you stop short of intercourse with me in the playroom?”

Her words hit him in the gut like a sledgehammer. “I think we should talk about something else.”

She jumped up with unshed tears glistening in her eyes. “This is too much to take, Emmett. Way too much.”

He didn’t want to hurt her more. Being a fuckup lately seemed to be the only thing he could do. “What do you mean, baby?”

“I thought you wanted me. I thought you were into me. You’re not. I know that now. You only took me to your playroom to pacify me.”

“That’s not true, Amber.”

“Then why didn’t you fuck me when you had the chance?” The angry panic in her words crushed him.

“I wanted to, baby. God, how I wanted to.”

“Then why didn’t you?”

“Sit and listen to me.”

“Okay. But please tell me the truth, Emmett. I need to know how you feel about me.”

“How I feel about you?” He shouldn’t tell her. Holding back was his way, his norm. It was how he’d survived so much. But he couldn’t do that to her any longer. She deserved more than that from him. She deserved the truth. “I love you, Amber. I love you so much it is killing me. I wanted to fuck you more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my entire life. I was about to do it, too, but when I was telling you about BDSM and the rules, the protocols, I couldn’t.”

“I don’t understand. What does your lifestyle have to do with whether or not we make love?”

“We did make love, pet. I tasted your cream, didn’t I? The sweetest nectar I’ve ever sampled in my life. Seeing you writhing with pleasure by the orgasm I’d given you was reward enough. I couldn’t give in to my lust, my desire. I’m a Dom, not just in name but in practice, too. It means something to me to stay true to my honor. I don’t know if another man has a claim on you, Amber.”

“Not that again.” Her tiny hands curled into fists, clearly evidence of her inner frustration. “Emmett, can’t you believe I’m single? How can I have been in love in my past and not know?”

“You’re sounding a lot like Cody. Yes, I can see how there’s a slim chance that another holds your heart, but there is a chance, sweetheart. Until we know, I can’t do more than we did before.”

“Oral sex? That’s okay but not anything more? Is that what you’re saying to me, Sir?” The last word came out more like profanity than respect.

Anger welled up in him for her flippancy to him. He thought about throwing her over his shoulder and marching into the playroom for another round of spanking, this time with one of his other paddles, though not his big gun that had scared her. Given time, he knew she would warm up to even that one.

“Well, cowboy, are you going to enlighten me or are you going to keep me in the dark?” Her words were razor sharp but her tone betrayed her inner state.

He could see how terrified she was. So was he. Her past would show up, likely when Bryant and Cody returned. Fuck, how he wanted to whisk her away up into the most remote parts of the state where no one would ever find them.

“No sex, Amber, until we hear what my brothers learned about you. I love you, Amber. I will love you from now until the end of time. I love your submissive nature but I also love your bratty side. I love how you have made this cabin into a home. I want you by my side for the rest of my life, I do.”