Emmett leaned back into her, kissing her eyes closed.

How she’d dreamed of this moment, of him making love to her until dawn. He’d been a true gentleman, the most logical of all of them, the one who insisted they all do the suitable thing and keep their desires under control—until now. She knew they would regret it later, but she couldn’t stop him. She opened her eyes and gazed into his. “I’m okay now. Whatever I was dreaming is gone. You don’t have to try to comfort me.”

“Is that so?” His eyelids narrowed, making him look sexier and more dangerous. “I’m in control here, baby, not you. Time for you to learn what it really means to submit to a Dom.”

He pinched her ass with his thick fingers, inflicting a burning sting that quickly modulated into a tremble that reached all the way into her pussy.

She gulped a mouthful of air into her lungs. His words made her feel fragile and tiny. God, he was so big and muscular. What would it feel like to be truly dominated by him? His brothers had given her a little taste of what it meant to be subdued, and she’d loved every second of their commanding lovemaking. But now, with Emmett, she realized that had only been a little peek into the lifestyle they practiced. Where Cody and Bryant had been forceful, Emmett was clearly ready to conquer her completely. Deep down, that had been what she’d wanted all along. She reached up and felt his steely biceps built up from years of working this ranch. What woman wouldn’t want to be held by such a man? Emmett made her feel safe, and right now, he was making her feel really warm.

He lifted her up into his arms. “Time to introduce you to the playroom.”

Oh God. She’d looked at its locked door, always wondering what kind of pleasure treasures it hid. “Emmett, are you sure?”

He kissed her again, silencing her. His tongue shot past her lips into her hungry mouth. “What color are you?” His deepest tones vibrated along her skin. Such force both terrified and thrilled her.

“Green, Sir.”

“That’s my girl.”

He smiled, rendering her body into a pliable bundle, soft as down. Every part of her wanted to obey his commands, every one. She wanted to please him. Her surrender would be total and complete. Tonight was theirs. Whatever news came back with the twins she could face with Emmett by her side. He was pure strength. He was safety. He was her cowboy, if not for forever, for tonight.

As he carried her into the hallway, Amber closed her eyes and leaned into his chest. She heard him open a drawer and heard a set of keys jingle. He was really taking her to the playroom.

Before going to bed with Bryant and Cody, the latter cowboy had sat with her several nights on the porch telling her the ins and outs of BDSM. She’d been aware Cody was informing her of the sexual play he and his brothers practiced as another way to tempt her. The more she’d learned, the more her curiosity had grown. Now, Emmett was going to show her the ropes. Was she really ready for it?

She opened her eyes as he unlocked the door, continuing to hold her with only one arm. God, the man was strong. He kicked it open with his boot. The room was pitch-black. A shiver shot up and down her spine.

Emmett flipped on a switch, and the room’s contents came into view, lit by the soft glow of rope lights surrounding the ceiling’s edge. “Welcome to the playroom, love.”

She glanced around the space, taking it all in. The square room was bigger than she’d imagined, at least twenty feet in both directions. The walls were painted black and there were no windows, which she’d actually expected. The far wall, opposite the doorway they were standing in, was lined with shelves from floor to ceiling. On them was every kind of sex toy imaginable—dildos, vibrators, clamps, paddles, plugs, and many more she couldn’t identify. On the wall to their left was a large wooden cabinet and a metal cage.

A cage? Her heart pounded in her chest so hard she thought she might pass out.

“Should I put you in the box tonight?” Emmett’s tone worked her into a state of shivers.

“No, Sir. Please.”

He laughed with a playful wickedness that caused her to hold her breath. “Maybe I will and maybe I won’t. Keep looking at my room, baby.”

She obeyed instantly. The wall to the right had four metal rings, two up high and two next to the floor.

“We use those to restrain submissives like you, Amber.”

Like me? She could feel the truth of his proclamation about her into her very flesh. Surrendering to a man, a real man, a Dom, was her nature. Had it always been so, even in her past? Her gut clenched at the thought.

“You’ve drifted off, haven’t you?”

She nodded, ashamed of herself. She wanted to please him, to make him proud. This was their time, and she didn’t want to waste a second of it.

“See that?” He pointed to the odd-looking bench in the center of the room. It reminded her of a massage table somewhat, even though it was lower and smaller. Instead of flat, it was bent in the middle, creating a kind of peak. Had she gotten massages in her past?

“Gone again, aren’t you, sub?” His tone held a sharp edge that cut into her.

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”

“Time to get you out of that busy head of yours, sweetheart. The spanking bench will be perfect for me to get you focused. What color are you?”

Spanking bench? “Green, Sir.” Did he mean to spank her? Her clit tingled at the thought.