Bryant’s eyes never released their hold on hers. “We’re not paddling her ass. We reading her signals perfectly and you know it.”

She agreed with him. Bryant pressed his hips up, his cock finding a particularly sensitive spot in her pussy. Together with Cody’s fingers in her ass, she was so full. They took turns, pulling out while the other plunged in. They were playing her body like an instrument, drawing out new sensual notes with each passing measure. High and sharp. Low and vibrating. Fast. Slow. Up. Down. The music they were creating inside her had her pussy clenching and unclenching again and again.

Cody’s lips feathered against her ear. “Listen to me, Amber. I’m going to shove a plug inside your ass. Protocols are simple.”

“Now?” Bryant snapped. “You want to give her protocols now?”

“Shut up,” Cody continued. “Yes. Now. Amber, you can stop us should we push you past a boundary that is firm inside you.”

She struggled to concentrate. “I can?”

“Yes. Three words are all you need to know.” Cody scissored his fingers inside her ass. “It’s simple. ‘Green’ means ‘go.’ ‘Yellow’ means ‘slow.’ ‘Red’ means ‘stop.’ Got it?”

She nodded but knew that she would never say “red” now. These two cowboys had her deliciously dizzy and ready for whatever they wanted from her. Even now, she couldn’t wait to feel Cody replace his fingers with the toy, though it was a little daunting to her logical side.

“Let’s test her,” Cody said in a deep rumble. “What state are you in, sub?”

She rubbed her thighs together, tightening her pussy around Bryant’s dick. “Green. I’m green.”

“Add a ‘Sir’ to your responses, pet. That will please us very much.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Satisfied?” Bryant asked his twin.

“Yes. Time to enjoy your sweet ass, love.” Cody’s quiver-inducing caresses up and down her back made her pussy tighten even more. “I’m going to cover your back with my cum.”

She looked over at him fisting his cock with one hand.

He smiled, holding the plug with his other hand for her to see clearly. “You ready for this toy, pet?”

As terrifying as the thing looked, she managed a nod.

He slapped her ass, discharging a sizzling bite. “Aloud, sub. Give me your state by color?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m ready. I’m green, Sir.”

“Listen to her, Bryant. She’s perfect.” Cody kissed the back of her head, speaking so slowly that each syllable somehow reached down and caressed her clit. “A natural submissive. I can’t wait to strip her of all her worries, her preconceptions. How fun it’s going to be to place her on the spanking bench and run our hands over this sweet ass. God, I can’t wait to see her flesh grow pink and to hear her moans of ecstasy.”

Bryant nibbled on her shoulder. “She is perfect. More than perfect.”

Cody’s fingers pierced her again. “Sub, you know this ass is mine, not yours. It’s mine. Understand?”

She swallowed hard. “Yes, Sir. It’s yours. Not mine.”

“You want me inside this ass, don’t you?”

She wanted it so much, she felt like she was about to die. “Please. Yes, Sir. Green, Sir. I’m green.”

“Fuck, you’re too much, baby.” His words came out more like a low roar than syllables.

Knowing she was taking

a risk but unable to hold back, she ventured a request. “Please fill me up, Sir. Take me.” The words spilled from her with ease. She wanted them both inside her, making her know from now until forever she was theirs.

Bryant smiled, a hot smile, his eyes capturing her utterly. “Fuck, you feel good, Amber.” He gripped her hips, pushing his cock deeper into her wet heat. He stretched her even more, so wide she felt like she might rip in two.

Cody placed the tip of the toy to her anus and pressed. “Take a deep breath, love, and hold it until I say let go.”