As he and Cody rode off in opposite directions, she prayed they would find a car that would have her personal effects in them. According to the brothers, there was no way she could’ve gotten on their ranch without a car or a horse. The clothes Emmett had found her in didn’t seem conducive to riding horseback. A car. That had to be how she’d come. What if the boy that haunted her dreams was in the car? That thought had troubled her more than once over the past few days, but she kept reminding herself that Emmett had found her alone. No one else had been with her.

Bryant sat down next to her. “You okay, Amber?”

“I’m fine,” she lied. She didn’t want them to know how worried she was.

He grabbed her hand. “You don’t have to lie to me.”

“Maybe not to you, but to Emmett, I do.” She closed her eyes tight, wishing she could take back her words.

“Give him time, sweetheart,” Bryant said, squeezing her fingers. “He’s dealing the best he knows how.”

“I know. You guys have been great. Really. I don’t know what I would’ve done if Emmett hadn’t found me.” She could have just died there on the road.

“Stop, Amber. He did find you. Cody thinks that it had something to do with fate. I’m beginning to think he may be right.”

Of course Cody would think that. Cody saw the world through rose-colored glasses. It was sweet and sexy, but Amber knew the truth. “Emmett doesn’t want me. I won’t change the future you guys are supposed to have.”

“You’re wrong, honey.” He stroked her hair. “Emmett wants you more than you can possibly imagine. I know him. He’s into you bad, but he won’t act on that until he’s certain about something.”

“If I’m married or not, right?” Amber knew Emmett was trying to protect her. She could have kids and a husband out there looking for her right now.

“You got it.”

Her head started pounding. Why were her memories so locked away from her? “What kind of person can I be, Bryant? What if whatever I left in the past was horrible? What if I was alone? If I was in love, don’t you think I would remember that? Remember some man who held my heart in his hands? It just doesn’t make sense to me that I would forget someone like that. My whole life experience available to me is the past week with you, Cody, and Emmett. It’s been amazing. I can’t even conceive of hitting my head hard enough to jar your images out of my mind.”

It had been an incredible week. The guys had taken turns cooking for her those first couple of days. They’d eaten their meals together, talking and laughing the whole time. They’d told her funny stories from their childhood on the ranch. When they’d finally decided she was getting better, they’d let her help in the kitchen. She’d been surprised to know she had some basic cooking skills. She could make a mean grilled cheese.

“Sweetheart, you’re worrying too much about this.”

“Am I, cowboy? I don’t think so. I don’t want to remember. Whatever it was must’ve been horrible. What other explanation is there? Tell me.” Why would she have been in the middle of nowhere, alone? It didn’t make sense.

“I don’t know what to say.” Bryant left his chair. “Let’s go inside. I’ll make you some tea.”

Her heart was racing in her chest, making her light-headed. Once Emmett and Cody returned, the dream would be over. She would have to return to reality. What if her memories came back and her tomorrows would be without Bryant, Cody, and Emmett? She couldn’t bear the thought. “I’m in the mood for something besides tea.” She stood up and stepped right in front of him.

Her initial attraction to the three cowboys had grown and grown until now, it was an uncontrollable desire. She’d gone from being enticed by the three to being unable to shake her need for them. When she’d questioned the locked door across the hall from her room, they’d told her that it was their playroom. The next half hour was spent with them explaining BDSM to her. Emmett had kept trying to change the subject, but Cody hadn’t been dissuaded. He’d furthered her curiosity and salacity by spending several evenings telling her about it in more detail. She knew it was a mistake, but all she’d been a

ble to think about since was submitting to the three men.

Bryant’s eyebrows shot up. “And what would you be in the mood for, sweetheart?”

“This.” She came up on her toes and pressed her mouth to his thick, manly lips. Melting into the kiss was her whole world at the moment. She closed her eyes, enjoying the intimacy with this amazing cowboy. Nothing else mattered. Not her memories. Not her past. Not her future. Now. Here. With Bryant.

She opened her eyes and saw his big orbs staring back at her. She pulled away. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

He stroked her hair. “It’s all right, baby. It’s okay.”

“No it isn’t. I shouldn’t have—”

His lips crashed against hers, silencing her protest. He held the back of her head with his left hand. His right hand feathered her neck as he continued to kiss her.

She shook her head, freeing herself from his devastating kiss that was awakening something deep inside her. “This is stupid. We shouldn’t.”

He kissed her temple. “You’re such a tiny thing, Amber. So sweet. I don’t think this is stupid. It’s fate. It’s our destiny. You were right in saying that if you were in love with someone, you would remember. I believe you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, Amber. You’re the one. I’ve been following Emmett’s protocols. No more. I don’t care if you do have a past. You’re mine. I’m certain of that. You’ve been mine since you arrived. I know that now. You know it, too. These are the only memories we need. I want to make one with you today. Right or wrong, we have now. Today. This moment. I’m not willing to wait. Understand?”

She hesitated. “What about Emmett? What if you’re wrong? What if he isn’t interested in me? Won’t this head us down a path we need to avoid?”

“Fuck it. I’ve always been the peacemaker between my two brothers. Emmett, so serious and so cautious. Cody, a complete mess, chasing dreams. I’m done with that. I want the dream. Let them figure out what they want, Amber. I want you. I want you now. I will have you. You can’t imagine how hard it’s been. I’ve hungered for you.” He scooped her up and carried her into the cabin. “My starvation is about to come to an end. I’m going to drive you mad with pleasure, Amber.”