“Are you hungry, Amber?” Bryant asked.

Her stomach rumbled in response. “Yes. A little.”

Bryant laughed, obviously hearing the sound. “More than a little, I bet. How does a thick, juicy steak sound?”

“She might be a vegetarian,” Cody mocked. “That would be a bad idea. How about some pasta instead?”

The banter was part of the charm of these three. They clearly cared for each other. That was quite evident.

“Even if I was before, Cody, I can be anything now. Steak sounds just fine, Bryant. Pasta would be great, too. I’m actually starving.”

“Time for a feast then. I’m really hungry, myself,” Emmett said.

“What do you take us for, bro? Short-order cooks?” Cody shook his head, and still his eyes were battened down.

“Your cooking talents leave a lot to be desired, but beggars must take what they’re offered.” Emmett laughed. “Amber deserves a delicious meal, not more of your slop.”

“I’ve had it with your crap.” Cody was smiling, as was Bryant. Even without her memories, she could tell this teasing was something the Stones enjoyed often. It seemed to be their way of expressing affection, which was clearly overflowing. “You’re no better than I am in the kitchen.”

“How about you, Bryant? You know anything about food prep?” she asked as her belly growled even louder than before.

Bryant shook his head. “None of us really do. We’re more microwave guys than anything. I’m not too bad with the grill outside, but that’s definitely off the table because of the storm. Burgers, hot dogs, and steak usually turn out fine. Anything else…not so much.”

“What my twin is not telling you, sweetheart, is if you don’t mind chewing until your jaw aches, you will love his shoe leather…I mean food.” Cody laughed.

“What are you now? Destiny Daily’s local food critique?” Bryant asked. “You’ve never complained before.”

She had to stop this. “Fellows, it will be fine. I’m hungry. Anything will do. I’m sure whatever you prepare will be delicious.”

“I promise to do my best.” Bryant’s tone lacked the confidence she’d heard from him before about other things. She wasn’t sure what kind of meal he would be serving, but she didn’t mind. Had she ever been so famished before? No recollection.

“Me, too, sweetheart,” Cody said.

“We’ve interrupted Amber’s private time.” Bryant smiled, and her heart melted. “Let’s get her dinner ready and give her privacy.” He tilted his head to her. “Do you need anything?”

She shook her head. “Thank you.”

“I’m going to leave the door open in case we’re needed,” Cody said. “That way we can hear you if you call.”

“I’ve got this,” Emmett growled.

“I’m still leaving the door open,” Cody said. He didn’t seem concerned with Emmett’s sullen tone.

With his charm and confidence, Cody would be easy to fall for. “Overprotective much?” She couldn’t help but grin.

Cody shrugged. “With you, apparently I am.”

Bryant and Cody exited the room, keeping their words about not looking. She sighed.

“You okay, Amber?” Emmett said, his back still to her.

They were all overprotective, it seemed. “I’m fine, cowboy. I’m fine.”

“Take your time. I won’t rush you. But if you need anything, just say the word. Understand?”

“Yes. I understand.” Her body seemed to respond to his forceful words in ways that both surprised and thrilled her. Her skin tingled and not from the warmth of the water.

“Check in with me every so often so I know you’re okay. I don’t want you passing out in the tub.”