“Of course.” Bryant’s eyes shut.

Cody stood there, apparently struggling with her request. Then he did close his eyes.

“Thank you,” she said softly.

“Are we supposed to keep them closed until you’re in the water?” Cody asked.

“That would be nice.”

Cody shrugged. She wouldn’t be surprised if he opened his eyelids ever so slightly to take a peek. Bryant’s were shut tight. They might look the same but they most certainly were different in other ways.

She looked into Emmett’s mesmerizing orbs. “I’m ready.”

He nodded. “Clothes off, Amber.”

She obeyed, removing her shirt first, then slipping out of her slacks. She tossed them to the floor. Emmett’s eyes never left hers, thankfully. He was a man who kept his word, but she suspected there was something quite dangerous he could release should he choose.

“The rest,” he said firmly. “And inspect your body for any other injuries. I don’t expect any, but I want you to look closely just in case.”

Why did it seem so natural, so right to do as he asked? She wasn’t sure but it most certainly did. Her fingers trembled as she unfastened her bra. She glanced down at her body as he’d ordered. Not a scratch. Raising her eyes back to his, she was relieved to see his hadn’t moved south, not even a fraction of an inch. Still, she knew he could see peripherally some of her body. She hesitated for a moment before slipping off her panties. A massive quiver rolled through her.

“Ready for your bath?” he asked tenderly.

She nodded, shivering from head to toe.

He lifted her into his arms and stepped up to the beautiful antique bath. His rough fingers on her naked skin were an incredible assault on her senses, even more than the inviting water. Tears brimmed her eyes at the tenderness of these rugged cowboys. They were treating her like a princess, even though none of them—and that included Amber—knew who she was.

Her bottom was the first to experience the warmth of the bath. The temperature was perfect—not too hot or too cold. It backed down her shivers. Emmett lowered her fully into the luscious liquid. The water felt amazing on her skin, but her trembles, though muted, continued.

“Is it warm enough for you, Amber?” Bryant asked, eyes still closed.

“Wonderful.” Then something more sensible slammed her with a new set of shivers. What if they were responsible for her current state? What if they’d drugged her or worse? What did she really know about them? Not a damn thing. In her heart, she believed them to be trustworthy, but was she being smart? What kind of person followed their heart? Had that been the reason she’d ended up in this awful situation in the first place? “Okay, I’m in. May I have that privacy you promised now?”

Cody’s eyes opened, and he fixed his hot gaze on her. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, showing her his approval of what he saw and pleasing her more than a little.

“Please, Cody. You promised.” She covered her breasts with both hands.

His eyes slammed shut. “You sure, sweetheart?”

“I need time to think. Perhaps my memory will come back.”

“Of course you need time, Amber.” Bryant’s eyes remained closed.

“We’ll be just outside the door,” Cody said. “In case Emmett needs help with you.”

She studied his face, checking for any sign he might be stealing another glance, but found none. She grinned. “You’re a devil, Cody.”

“I can handle things here.” Emmett’s tone had a strand of anger threaded through it. Of the three, he seemed the most quick to explode.

“Don’t let her get out of the bath by herself.” Obviously, Cody enjoyed goading his eldest brother very much.

“Chill out. Both of you.” Bryant, eyes still closed, tilted his head in her direction. “We’ll leave, Amber. We’ll be just outside the door should you need us.”

Bryant was the quietest of the three, staying back until a referee was needed, which it seemed might be more often than not.

She looked up at Emmett. His eyes remained open and locked in on hers. “You said you would turn away, cowboy.”

“Yes, I did.” He sat on the commode, facing the wall. “Time for you guys to leave.”