They rode up the path side by side.

When they came to the overlook, he dismounted and offered her his hand.

“How gorgeous.” Mary took his hand and got down on the ground. “This is fun.”

“Yes it is.”

“Captain is a pretty horse. How long have you had him?”

“Seven years. I got him when I turned nineteen.”

She nodded. “You’re three years older than me. What about Dan and Dillon? How old are they?”

“Dan is twenty-seven, and Dillon is twenty-four.”

“Dillon is the youngest? I would have guessed him to be the oldest.”

“Why?” he asked, though he already guessed what her answer would be.

“I don’t know. He just acts like he would be the oldest of the three of you.”

“So Dan and I have been told many times.” Watching her take in the beauty of the ranch, he stood next to her. He put his arm around her. “What do you think of Wilde Ranch, Mary?”

“I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s a little piece of heaven on earth, isn’t it?”

“That’s how my family feels about it. Let’s get back on the horses. My place is a mile up the path.”

Once they were back in the saddles, Mary said, “Tell me something, Craig. What’s it like having four parents?”

“So the interview is already starting?”

“Why not? It’s a beautiful day. I’m on this gorgeous horse. The more questions I get answered the better my article.”

And the more time I spend with you, the closer I get to winning your heart. “My parents have always been great. Growing up in their house was the best. I am proud to be their son.”

Mary sighed. “You’re very lucky.”

“What about your parents? What can you tell me about them?”

She shook her head. “I’m the one doing the interview, mister.” She grinned. “I’ll be the one asking the questions.”

He liked her fire and moxie, but he sensed there was something painful behind her teasing.

They came around the b

end, and his home came into view.

“That’s my home sweet home.”

Her eyes were wide. “You built it when you were eighteen?”

“Started it when I turned sixteen. Took me two years to build. I was still in high school, so I could only work on it nights and weekends. Dan and Dillon helped me, just like I helped them with theirs.”

“It’s beautiful. I love its subtle Asian esthetic.”

“I’m surprised that you caught that.”

“How could I not? The dark wooden deck in the front with the ornamental plants and the pond. Are there koi in it?”