She’d never understood her parents, and they obviously didn’t understand her. Paul had been a catch in their eyes. He was in his first year of residency at the hospital. The only thing they disapproved of was her moving in with him before getting married. She had cared for him. When Paul had handed her a key to his apartment, she had jumped at the chance to escape her parents’ home that was free of emotions.

Another saying, not one of her parents’ but one that was universally known by most, popped in her mind. “Out of the frying pan and into the fire.” Moving in with Paul had been the biggest mistake of her life.

“Sorry, Mother,” she said aloud. “This is my life. I’m choosing slacks and a blouse.”

After dressing, she headed down the stairs to the kitchen and saw Carol working away. The aroma in the air was magnificent. “What can I do to help?”

The dear woman turned her direction. “Oh you look so pretty, Mary.”

“That’s nice of you to say. I really wasn’t sure how to dress.”

“You’re absolutely perfect, although the Wilde men will be wearing jeans and cowboy shirts tonight. That’s their normal attire, though they can dress up quite nicely when the occasion warrants it. You should see my boys in their tuxedos. Quite handsome.”

“I’m sure.” Her mind brought up images of Dan, Craig, and Dillon in formal attire. She could imagine they would turn a lot of women’s heads. “Point me in the direction that I can lend you a hand.”

“Everything is done, but I could use a little help carrying dinner to the table.”

She grinned. “I would love to.”

When they placed the last dishes of food on the large mahogany table, all the Wilde men came into the dining room. Carol’s husbands were dressed exactly as the dear woman had informed they would, jeans and cowboy shirts. But her sons—Dan, Dillon, and Craig—wore slacks and sport coats.

The three men who had invaded her dream looked even better in real life.

“You boys clean up nicely.” Carol smiled.

Jack laughed. “Trying to make your dads look like slackers, are you?”

“Not a chance of that happening,” Mary said. “I think you are all very handsome.”

“Mom, this looks great.” Dan pulled out a chair. “Mary, why don’t you sit here beside me?”

“Of course.” She sat down.

“Everything smells delicious,” Dillon added, sitting down on the other side of her.

Craig nodded. He sat directly across from her. His gaze remained on her instead of his mother. His stare made her a little nervous.

She glanced down at her outfit. Do I look okay?

Carol sat at one end of the table, the closest chair to the kitchen. Her husband Jack sat at the other end, while her other two husbands sat across from their sons—Tom opposite Dan, and Will opposite Dillon.

Carol sat and motioned to the spread of food. “Enjoy everyone.”

Mary filled her plate with mashed potatoes, salad, fresh green beans, hot rolls, and a piece of fried chicken. Every bite was divine. Conversation was engaging, and she learned so much about this wonderful family. The Wilde Silver Mine was an important part of the community, where the majority of the town’s citizens worked. But what she loved hearing about was their ranch. Each of Carol’s husbands’ faces lit up when they talked about it. The ranch was massive. Thousands of acres. Dan, Dillon, and Craig were just as animated as their fathers talking about building fences, herding cattle, and all things cowboy.

“Do you ride, Mary?” Craig asked.

She grinned. “If riding a pony at five counts, then my answer is yes. If not, no.”

“Would you like to learn?”

“Are you serious?”

“I am,” he said. “Like we agreed, you’re going to see each of our houses during our interviews. The road to mine got washed out in the last storm. The only way to my home is on horseback at the moment. Even four-wheelers won’t get up the hill to my house.”

“What kind of teacher are you?” she asked. “I’ve never been in a saddle before.”

He leaned forward. “You’re in good hands.”