Mary was stunned at how beautiful the Wilde’s home was. It was an antebellum mansion, pristine white with four two-story columns in front of a wraparound porch. It sat on a hill surrounded by trees.

Carrying her bags, Craig, Dan, and Dillon escorted her up to the two large double doors.

Carol opened one of them. “Welcome, Mary. I’m so glad you are here. My sons were gentlemen, weren’t they?”

“Perfectly.” She smiled.

Her heart skipped several beats when Craig put his arm around her shoulder again. “Shall we give you the tour?”

“Yes. Please.”

They walked inside to a massive foyer, which had a sweeping staircase. “This reminds me of Gone with the Wind. It’s my favorite movie.”

“Mine, too,” Carol said. “My three men knew that and decided to design the house after the one in the movie for me.”

“They did an amazing job.”

“Let me show you to your room. You’ll have plenty of time to freshen up before dinner. Boys, your fathers are over in the small pasture with the new calves. They could use your help.”

Dillon kissed her on the cheek. “Sure thing, Mom.”

Dan gave her a hug. “What time do you want us back here for dinner?”


Craig didn’t budge, and his gaze remained fixed on Mary. She felt a warm tremble run up and down her spine.

Carol looked at him. “Son? Are you okay?”

He nodded and then kissed her forehead. “Can I bring anything?”

“You could take all Mary’s luggage up to the guest room.”

Without a word, the three handsome cowboys lifted her bags and went up the stairs, leaving her and Carol alone in the foyer.

“Your sons are quite helpful.”

Carol winked. “Yes they are, but especially with you here.”

She felt heat fill her cheeks.

The handsome trio returned.

“Anything else, Mom?” Dillon asked.

“I’ve got everything taken care of here. Help your dads. Clean up. Be back at seven sharp.”

As they left, each of their eyes seemed to lock on hers for a brief moment. When the door shut, she turned to Carol. “Do you need any help in the kitchen?”

“Not at all. You’re our guest. Let me show you the house and then I’ll take you to your room.”

After the tour, Carol led her to the guest room.

“Your home is stunning. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Thank you, dear.” Carol opened the door.

“This isn’t a guest room. It’s an entire suite.” She glanced around the space. The colors were warm an inviting. The giant fluffy bed was filled with soft-looking pillows, white linens. A seating area was next to the large window with shelves filled with books. Several vases of fresh-cut flowers sat on the tables in the room.