Will grinned. “We get jealous from time to time, but our amazing wife sets us straight. Besides I have the greatest brothers in the world.”

“Brothers? There are more of you?” Oh boy, this is a great story.

Carol nodded. “Call me crazy but I am married to three men. These two and Jack.”

The waitress came over. “Coffee?”

They all nodded.

“What can I get all of you?”

“King Cakes all around,” Tom said.

“And crispy bacon,” Will added.

After the waitress left, they continued talking.

“What about you, Mary?” Carol asked. “Where is home?”

She swallowed hard. How to answer that? She’d never really felt at home anywhere. Not in her parents’ house, that was for certain. “Midwest girl, but I’m looking to make a move.”

Carol smiled broadly. “How long are you planning on staying in Wilde?”

“Not sure. But I definitely want to stay long enough to write this story. I need to find a hotel.”

“The Hotel Cactus is a very nice place,” Tom said, “but I can see by the look on my wife’s face that she won’t hear of that.”

“You’re right about that, mister,” Carol said. “I know we just met, but, Mary, would you consider letting us host you while you are here? It would be so nice to have another woman in the house. We have a guest bedroom that never gets used.”

“I’m not sure what to say.”

“Say ‘yes,’” Will said. “Besides, the more time you spend with our family the better your story will be.”

“But I don’t want to impose,” she said. Though saving money was at the top of her mind. She needed to make her funds last as long as she could until she could sell a few stories.

“Nonsense,” Carol said. “You will stay with us. That’s final.”

“Thank you.”

As they ate their king cakes, they continued talking about the unusual lifestyles that so many in Wilde lived, including Carol and her three husbands. They were so open and vibrant. Mary was intrigued. Since leaving Missouri, this was the first time she felt so at ease.

A man walked into the diner and over to

their table. He bent down and kissed Carol.

“Jack, this is Mary Kincaid,” Carol said. “Mary, this is my husband Jack.”

She extended her hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wilde.”

He shook her hand. “My fathers are Mr. Wildes. I’m just ‘Jack.’”

The customers at the table next to theirs left, and Jack pulled one of the free chairs over.

“Craig cut his leg and needed stitches. Dan and Dillon are with him at the doctor’s office,” Jack informed.

“Craig is our middle son,” she said to Mary. “Is he going to be okay?” Carol asked with the tone of a mother concerned for her son.

“Yes, darlin’. Just another battle scar to add to his collection.”