Craig grabbed her other hand. “Let’s put up the horses first.”

Her three men led her to Dan’s barn. Though smaller than the one near the Wilde mansion, it reminded her of all things Americana with its red walls and large doors.

When they walked into it, she saw a white mare with a large pink ribbon around its neck. “Who is this?”

Dan said, “She’s your surprise.”

“Are you serious? Really? She’s mine?”

Dillon smiled. “Yes, sweetheart. We got her three days ago for you, and it’s been tough keeping quiet about it. She and Rosie have the same sire.”

“Oh my God. Thank you. She’s so pretty.” She walked up and petted her horse. “How are you doing, girl?”

The horse turned her head. Their eyes locked, and Mary knew she’d found a friend for life.

“What’s her name?”

“She’s got a name on her papers. ‘Nevada Brown Eyes,’” Craig said. “But that’s just the official name. What do you want to call her?”

“How about ‘Blanca,’ girl? Do you like that for your name?”

Blanca nodded her head, communicating her approval.

“I think she likes her name,” Dan said.

“I think you’re right.”

Craig put his arm around her. “And she likes you, too, sweetheart.”

Rosie nudged her and Blanca with her nose.

“Rosie, you mean the world to me. You taught me how to ride. I will never forget you. But you belong to Mom. I’m sure Mom and I will take you and Blanca on rides together.”

Rosie bobbed her head up and down.

“I’ll never get over seeing that,” Dillon said.

“Seeing what?”

He kissed her on the cheek. “You talking to horses. It’s like they really do understand everything your saying.”

“They do,” she said with a grin. “I’m the horse whisperer.”

They all laughed.

“Seriously, thank you for this. Thank you for Blanca. No one has ever given me a horse before.” She turned to the men. “I love you so much. Can I ride her after dinner?”

“Absolutely,” Craig said. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m starving.”

“Me, too,” she confessed.

They all headed inside Dan’s house.

* * * *

While two of her cowboys, Craig and Dillon, finished cleaning up the dishes from their dinner, Mary leaned back on the sofa. Dan, being the last of the four of them to clean up, was still in the shower.

She loved wearing the pale-blue baby doll pajamas they’d bought for her. They were soft and silky on her skin.