She still couldn’t believe how much had changed since she’d arrived in Wilde. Paul was sitting in county jail awaiting trial. Maude was slowly opening up to the idea of the Wilde lifestyle, thanks to two cowboys and their four young boys.

“Doc’s orders to Craig. No riding for seventy-two hours to protect his new stitches.”

“He has been anxious to take you on this date.”

“Last night at dinner, he made that quite clear, didn’t he?

“He sure did.”

“What about your date with the two Strong brothers tomorrow night?”

“I’m crazy, right? I guess crazy is contagious in Wilde.” Maude’s cheeks turned bright red. “I can’t believe I said yes.”

“You have such a big heart. I’m not surprised you agreed to the date. Those four little boys are precious, and the two dads aren’t bad either.”

“Trying to raise those boys without their mothers has been tough for Greg and Grant.” Maude smiled. “If I hadn’t run that errand of Carol’s, I wouldn’t have found little Tobias on the sidewalk by himself. Greg and Grant were in a panic searching high and low inside the Horseshoe for him. When I brought him in, I could see the relief on their faces.”

“And they bought you lunch.”

“Which I didn’t get to finish because of your situation with Paul.”

“My guys had everything under control, sis. You could’ve enjoyed the rest of your lunch with your new boyfriends.”

“Oh, if it had been me in the street with someone like Paul, you would’ve finished your lunch, right?”

“Point taken.”

“I’m only going on one date. That’s all.”

She laughed. “That’s how it starts, Maude. I know. Everyone can tell they already have their hooks in you and you have your hooks in them.”

“I care about their boys. That’s all.” Maude was protesting a little too much.

“Everyone in town cares about those little boys, but they don’t go on dates with the Strong brothers, Maude.”

“Enough about Greg, Grant, and me. There are three men downstairs who are dying to take you on your date.”

She nodded. “A proper date. That’s what they are calling it. I wonder what they have in mind.”

“The only thing I could get out of any of them is they want to take you to a place that is fifteen minutes by horseback from the mansion.”

“Do you think it’s another picnic?”

“Maybe so.” Maude smiled. “Or maybe they have something more in mind for your date tonight. I did overhear them saying to each other that they hoped you liked the spot they’d picked out.”

Vibrating with excitement, she walked down the stairs and found her three cowboys waiting for her.

Chapter Seventeen

Sitting in the saddle, Mary held Rosie’s reins. Riding with Craig, Dan, and Dillon was wonderful. The breeze was warm and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. She was putting the finishing touches on the story about their family. It would be published next week in the local paper. With any luck, one or two syndicates might pick it up.

“How long before dark?” she asked. “Won’t we need to head back before the sun goes down?”

“We’re only making one stop before we head to my house, sweetheart,” Dan said. “We want to show you something first.”

“And here we are,” Craig announced, jumping out of his saddle.

“This place is beautiful,” she said, looking at the majestic trees surrounding the clear, winding creek.