“I don’t, but I’m sure it is on file at the sheriff’s office.”

“You have a local newspaper in town?”

“Wonders of Wilde has been published here since the mine opened.”

“Good. When we get back to town I would like to visit the paper’s office.”

“I bet WOW could use a top-notch reporter like you.”

She grinned. “You and your brothers seem determined on getting me to lengthen my stay, aren’t you?”

“Lengthen your stay?” He looked her straight in the eyes. “We’re determined to get you to move here, Mary. Permanently. We want you to make Wilde your home.”

“I must admit it’s very appealing and I am considering it.”

That was music to his ears. He reined Star to a stop. “Here’s where we leave the road, Mary.”

The trail to Overlook Ridge appeared between two lines of trees beside the pavement.

“That little path?”

“That’s the one. It’s a difficult ride. Pretty steep, but you’ve got the skills to make the trek. Rosie, Star, and I will be with you the entire way. It’s worth it. You’ll see.”

“You hear that, Rosie? I’m counting on you, girl. Do you promise to get me there safe?”

His mom’s horse bobbed her head up and down.

“If Rosie is game, then so am I. Lead the way, Dan.”

“Nice and slow.”

It took them about fifteen minutes to get up to the ridge.

When they rode out of the trees, Mary gasped. “Oh my God, this is unbelievable. You can see forever up here. Look at those mountains. Is that snow on their tops?”

He smiled. “It is.”

“And that river down below. It looks like a little blue ribbon. Spectacular.” She turned to him. “Thank you for bringing me here. I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

They dismounted, and he tied Rosie and Star to a nearby tree, giving them enough rein so that they could graze on the grass.

Mary brought out her camera and started snapping pictures. “How far down to the valley below?”

“Two thousand feet.”


“To the north you can see Idaho.” He stretched out the blanket on the ground and placed the basket with their lunch on top of it.

“Dan, how far are we to the state line?”

He loved seeing her get so excited about being here. “As the crow flies…about fifteen miles. By road, twenty-six. Whenever you’re ready to have lunch, just let me know. Take all the time you need to soak everything in.”

“I would need a lifetime to do that,” she said.

“Now you’re talking. Another reason you should move to Wilde.”

“You and your brothers are relentless.” She smiled and walked over. “What’s for lunch?”