Chapter Twelve

“Carol, do you mind if I make a long distance call to my sister?” Mary asked. “I’ll pay you for it.”

“You’ll do no such thing,” Carol said. “You go right upstairs and call your sister. You’ll have plenty of privacy. I saved you a piece of my chocolate pie. I’d love to have a chat with you after your phone call.”

“I’d like that, too.”

“I’ll put on a pot of coffee for us, honey.” Carol grinned. “Hurry on. Forgive me but I’m anxious for some girl talk. Living with six males all these years, it’s so nice to have another woman in the house with me.”

“I will hurry. I promise.” She bolted up the stairs, realizing that Carol had been more like a mother to her in the last few days than her own had ever been.

She closed the door to her room and dialed her sister. “Maude, this is Mary.”

“Are you still in that small town? I wish you would reconsider and come home.”

“I’m not coming back, but you can come here.” She told her sister all the things she’d discovered in Wilde, including the three wonderful Wilde brothers. “Their mother is so sweet. I can’t wait for you to meet Carol.”

“I thought you were going to California. It doesn’t sound like that is still your plan. Am I wrong?”

“I’m still thinking about what my next move is but I just don’t know right now. I really feel at home for the first time in my life. I’m confused.”

“Mary, that town is crazy. You weren’t raised that way.”

“I wasn’t raised any way. You know that. We were only taught that keeping up with the Joneses was all that mattered in life. But it isn’t true. None of it.”

“Just because we had terrible parents doesn’t mean you have to go do something you will regret for the rest of your life. I can tell you have feelings for those three guys. But dating all of them? That’s just crazy.”

“Maybe so, but that’s why I need you here to make a rational decision. I’ve only spent time with two of them, but you’re right. I like all three of them very much. Tomorrow I go with Dan for our interview.”

“Get your story written and get out of there, Mary. I’ll meet you in Los Angeles day after tomorrow. How does that sound to you?”

“I’m done running. Please come to Wilde, Maude. I need you. I need your help to make a decision.”

“Are you sure you haven’t already made up your mind?”

She sighed. “I’m confused. I need my sister.”

“Then you’ll have her. I have to let work know, but I will be in Wilde as soon as I can. Don’t expect me to give you my blessing on this craziness. I can understand after what you went through with Paul why you are so mixed up. But I’ll help you figure all of this out. Maybe we’ll both move to California together. I need a change of scenery, too. And I also need my sister.”

“I love you, Maude.”

“And I love you. See you soon.”

She placed the receiver on the cradle. There was no doubt how Maude felt about the Wilde lifestyle. She knew her sister would arrive intent on getting her to leave town for California immediately. Should she? Her head agreed with Maude. This whole thing was crazy. But her heart told a different story. When she saw how Carol was treated by her three husbands, she imagined what it might be like if her dream of being married to Craig, Dillon, and Dan came true. Would they treat her the same as their fathers treated their mother? She believed they would. But was that enough to make such an unusual marriage work for the rest of her life?

She laughed. “You’re getting the cart before the horse, Mary. You’ve only been on one date with two of the brothers. It’s not like you’re engaged.” But every minute more I spend with them the more I find them irresistible.

She walked down the stairs and headed into the kitchen.

“How was your sister, Mary?” Carol poured them coffee and placed two slices of chocolate pie on the table.

“Maude misses me and I miss her. She says she’s going to come to Wilde in a couple of days.”

“Oh my goodness. Two ladies in my home. I can’t wait. How exciting. I’ll get the second guest bedroom set up for your sister. It used to be Dillon’s room.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to and I will, young lady. No arguments.” Carol winked.