“‘Let’s dig in.’”

“I never noticed that before. I guess it’s because my family has been in the mining business for so long.”

“Ranching, too. How long has your family been in that business?”

“Same. Over a hundred and fifty years.”

“That’s quite a legacy.” She took a sip of the wine. “Yummy. Good choice.”

“Craig told me you liked what he served you last night, so I got the same bottle.” He held it up for her to see. “I wanted our interview to go well. How am I doing?”

“So far so good.” She ate a couple of strawberries. “Mmm. So delicious. You’re doing very well, at least with lunch. We haven’t started the interview yet.”

“Fire away. I’m ready to answer your questions.”

Where to begin? “I’m beginning to understand how men, like your dads, could marry the same woman. What I’m still not clear about is how your mother handles them. Three husbands. And three sons. She’s got to be exhausted and yet she looks amazing.”

He smiled, his eyes filling with pride for his mother. “She also teaches biology at the high school, but she says she is going to retire soon. I’ll believe that when I see it. Since Mom is a teacher, she taught us how to help around the house. My brothers and I and our dads could each run the house if necessary. The one thing you need to know about my family and all the families in Wilde, Mary, is the women here are treated like queens and princesses. It might be a bit old fashioned, but treating a woman like a lady is expected here.”

“Do you still help since you have your own home?”

“Not as much but anything she needs, we are always willing to lend a hand. You might be surprised at what our dads do. They rotate the chores.”

She smiled, imagining how loving a home Dillon had been brought up in. The maids in her parents’ house did a very good job of cleaning, but there was no love there.

“Dillon, tell me more about growing up with Craig and Dan.”

He told her several stories about him and his brothers’ childhood. Some made her laugh, and some tugged at her heart. All of them were endearing.

They finished their meal.

“I’ll put away everything,” he said. “You just relax and enjoy our surroundings.”

“Just like your mom and Craig.” She grinned. “Will I ever be able to help with meals?”

“Maybe in a week or two. Or a month.”

“Uh-huh.” She knew he was pushing for her to stay longer, but she wasn’t ready to commit to anything or any timeline. “You’re the youngest. What was it like? Did they pick on you?”

He laughed. “Hell yes, they did. That’s a brother thing. But there was always love and respect between us. Still is. They are my best friends, my confidants, and the two men I will start a family with of our own.”

“I wish my life had been like you and your brothers. But it wasn’t.”

“Craig told Dan and me a little about your conversation this morning,” he said.

“I understand,” she said with a smile. “My sister and I are very close, too. We share everything.” Except I left without telling her first. “I called her at the diner when I arrived. And early this morning I called her again and gave her your parents’ home phone number.”

“Mary, I’m glad you have your sister, but I wish your parents had been different with you. More like mine.”

“Me, too.” She sighed. “What else did Craig tell you and Dan?”

He grabbed her hand and squeezed. “I know about the bruises and about your ex. To be quite truthful, I’d like to get my hands on that asshole.”

She believed him. “That won’t be necessary, Dillon. Paul doesn’t know where I am. And I want to keep it that way. If I never see him again, it will be too soon.”

“My brothers and I will make sure you are safe. I don’t want you to leave. Stay here in Wilde, Mary. Stay.”

She leaned over and kissed him. “You make me feel so special. And I’m not special.”