“We have got to keep her here longer. The only way we can do that is to drag out her interviews with the family.”

“That’s a great idea,” Dan said. “Craig, did she finish interviewing you?”

“She did, but I think I could come up with some new stuff that might pique her curiosity.” Craig grinned. “I bet she would love hearing about the time the three of us got trapped in the mine.”

“We were only kids,” Dan said. “But I bet you’re right. You could keep her talking on that story alone for at least a half a day.”

“Instead of just Craig telling her that story, let’s hold that off for a final interview with the three of us,” Dillon said. “Hopefully by then she will be open to staying in Wilde with us.”

Craig nodded. “I knew you would come up with a great plan, bro.”

“We’ll see. But we need to get Mom and Dads to help us with this. Mary will want to interview them. Especially them. If they can come up with excuses why they can’t meet with her, that will give us more time to spend with her.”

“That’s going to be difficult with them since she is staying here,” Craig said.

“But we all know how smart our parents are.” Dan smiled.

“Mom already told me this morning that she believed Mary would be perfect for us,” Dillon said, glad that he and his brothers were on the same page about Mary. “Mom’s exact words, ‘Don’t you three blow it with that sweet girl.’ Let’s go talk to them before Mary comes down from her bedroom. I have no doubt they will be happy to help us.”

* * * *

Mary patted Rosie’s neck. “Good girl.”

Dillon rode beside her on his horse, Warrior.

She was getting more and more comfortable in the saddle. It felt amazing to be outdoors on such a gorgeous animal as Rosie. She could get used to more days like this. But I have to leave Wilde.

“The old mine is just up ahead,” Dillon said.

“Good. I’m getting hungry. This has been a long ride.”

“I hope not too long.”

“Not at all. I’ve enjoyed every bit of it.”

Two hours ago, they’d stopped and got a glass of water at Pappy Jack’s cabin. The place was quite charming, and she was beginning to appreciate the Wilde’s tradition of their young men building their own homes. Jack had built the cabin before he’d left for Korea. Dillon had told her that since Jack and his brothers had built Carol the big house, it wasn’t used much except for hunting trips.

“We’ll have lunch by that tree,” Dillon said, pointing to the side of the mountain. He got off of Warrior. “That’s the entrance to the Old Mine.”

The wooden framed entrance looked almost like Jack’s cabin, though a sign hu

ng from the roof. “Closed. Danger. No Trespassing.”

She dismounted Rosie. “I’ve got to get some pictures of that.”

He smiled, taking Rosie’s reins. “I thought you would like visiting this place. I’ll get the horses taken care of and things set up for our lunch. Take all the pictures you want, but don’t go inside. It’s not safe.”

She nodded. She hadn’t felt safe in a very long time. Until now. Until coming to Wilde and meeting Craig, Dillon, and Dan. She recalled how unsafe she’d been in her own apartment. Snapping several pictures, she tried to push the terrible memories out of her mind. Her life with Paul, though quite short, had been hell. Why think about that when she was in a little slice of heaven on earth? The surroundings were beautiful and Dillon was the perfect companion.

“Did you get some good pictures?” He asked her.

“I think so. I hope I got one good enough to frame. It is so beautiful here.” She turned and saw him standing by the blanket he’d spread out on the ground. On it was their lunch—sandwiches, chips, fruit, cheese, and wine. “That looks delicious. I’m absolutely starving after our ride.”

“Me, too. Let’s dig in.”

She laughed, moving to the blanket and sitting down. “All of you Wildes say that.”

He handed her a glass of wine. “What do we say?”