In a firm tone, he said, “No more stalling. You’ve got this. You’re a natural. Just ask Rosie.”

“What do you think, Rosie? Is he right?”

Once again, his mother’s horse bobbed her head.

“Okay. If you say so, girl.” Mary looked at him. “I’m ready. Give me the reins.”

He smiled and got up behind her on the saddle. He loved the feel of her body next to his.

“What’s this about?” she asked.

He inhaled her sweet aroma. “Part of the lesson. I’m going to show you how to use the reins. Put your hands here. That’s it.”

In no time she had it down, but he just couldn’t bring himself to let her go solo.

“I think I’ve got it now, Craig,” she said. “You and Rosie have been amazing teachers.”

He gave Rosie a little kick, and she started walking. “Just a couple of times around the pen first. You’re driving. I’m just in the passenger’s seat.”

“Oh, I get it. This is a test.”

He smiled. “Yes it is. And so far you are passing with flying colors.”

After a couple more times around the pen, Mary seemed to get more and more comfortable.

“Whoa, Rosie,” she said. “Oh my God, this is fun.”

“Wait until we leave the pen. It gets better. You think you’re ready to try this on your own now?”

“I do.”

He instantly imagined her saying that to a minister about him and his brothers. She’s the one.

He dismounted. “You are ready, Mary. I’ve never seen anyone learn so quickly before. Let me get Captain and then we can head to my house.”

“I can’t wait to see it.”

“And I can’t wait to show it to you. I’m looking forward to your interview.”

“Are you?” She smiled. “You might want to hold back your verdict until after we finish. I have some tough questions for you.”

“Should I be worried?”

“Maybe. Outside of this place, your family will be seen as quite unusual. In fact, in many states your parents might even be arrested.”

“Then it’s a good thing that they live in Wilde, not someplace else.”

She laughed. “I suppose so. Tell me a little about the town.”

“Folks here don’t judge who and how people choose to love. Happiness comes in many shapes, shades, and sizes. We support each other.”

“Really sounds more like a family to me. Or at least what a family should be like.”

“You nailed it, Mary. That’s really how Wilde is. The whole community is bound together. Like you said, what happens here is unusual to most. Embracing those differences is what makes my town what it is. The best place in the world to live.”

“I can tell you that I am already falling in love with Wilde.”

That’s only the beginning, sweetheart. “We’re going to take the path to the right up ahead. There’s an overlook that I think you will enjoy. You can see a creek below.”