“Mary, are you okay?” Craig said. “You look flushed.”

Nervously, she responded, “Isn’t it a little warm in here?”

Dillon stood. “I’ll turn down the AC.”

Calm down. No one knows about your dream except you. She took a deep breath. She was very attracted to the Wilde brothers. Who wouldn’t be? But she also had just left a horrible relationship. Now was not the time to start dating. Besides, choosing one of them to move forward with was an impossible task.

Then a thought shot through her head like a bullet. This was Wilde, Nevada. Women didn’t have to choose. They could have it all.

God, what a place.

Chapter Eight

Craig held out the reins of his mother’s horse to Mary. “Rosie is gentle.”

“She might be, but she also looks like she weighs a thousand pounds to me.” Mary’s eyes were wide with nervousness and awe. Clearly, she was a city girl. It would be fun teaching her about ranching. It would definitely give him and his brothers more time with her.

“Actually Rosie is about twelve hundred pounds, but she doesn’t want to hurt you.”

“That’s yours?” She pointed at his horse tied to the post.

“That’s Captain,” he said with pride. “He and I are good friends, just like you and Rosie will be. I want you to just walk around the pen with her for a bit. Get comfortable with her before we put you in the saddle.”

Mary patted his mom’s horse. “Rosie, I don’t know a thing about riding a horse. You and Craig will teach me, won’t you?”

When Rosie’s ears twisted around and her head bobbed up and down, Mary laughed.

“You’re a natural. Take her around a few times.”

“My pleasure.” She led the horse around the fence. She leaned in and whispered, “I’m a little nervous, girl. Please be patient with me.”

He grinned. “You’re doing great, Mary. Rosie already seems to like you. One more time around and we’ll get you up in the saddle.”

“How about two more times?”

He laughed. “You’re stalling. But if another round makes you more comfortable, be my guest.”

“It would.” Mary continued whispering to Rosie, but now he couldn’t hear what she was saying to the horse. Whatever it was, by the time she stepped next to him she and Rosie appeared to have bonded with each other.

“You’re doing great.” He couldn’t stop staring into her beautiful eyes. She’s the one. No doubt about it. “You mount a horse from the left side. All you have to do is put your left foot in the stirrup, grab the saddle horn, and swing your leg over.”

She nodded and took a deep breath. “Ready, Rosie?”

His mother’s horse once again bobbed her head up and down, making him believe that Mary and Rosie were actually communicating. Without another word, Mary jumped into the saddle as if she’d been riding her whole life.

“How did I do?” she asked.

“Perfect. You hold onto the horn and I will lead you and Rosie around the pen for a bit until you get comfortable in the saddle.”

“Okay,” she said softly.

When he pulled on the reins, Mary grabbed the horn and held tight.

“Sorry, Rosie. I’m just a little nervous. But you and Craig are making me feel much better about this. Thank you.”

“You’re ready to take the reins.”

“Oh no I’m not.”