Carol nodded. “Have her ride Rosie, Craig. “

“Rosie is Mom’s horse,” Dan said. “She’s very gentle. You’ll do just fine on her.”

“Then it’s settled.” Craig’s gorgeous eyes locked in on hers. “We’ll get started first thing in the morning with my interview and your riding lesson.”

Dan’s eyebrow rose. “I thought I was Mary’s first interview.”

“It really doesn’t matter who goes first or in what order.” She wondered again how these men would deal with jealousy when they were sharing one woman. She looked at Carol and her men. Somehow they had figured out how to make this unique lifestyle work.

Dillon, who seemed to be the most practical of the three brothers, turned to her. “Mary, do you mind switching up the interviews? I think it would be good for you to know how to ride a horse. I would like to take you to the old mine during our interview. And like Craig’s house, you can only get there on horseback.”

“If you take Mary there, you better be careful, son,” Jack said. “Don’t go inside that abandoned mine. It is too dangerous.”

“I just want to show her the entrance, Pappy. She has a camera, and I believe she could get some great pictures for her article.” Dillon turned to her. “I think you’ll need at least a day with each of us to get the whole story.”

She smiled. “Probably so.”

“Mary, it is beautiful at the old mine,” Carol said. “My three guys took me up there just a few months ago for a picnic. I think you will love seeing it.”

“I think so, too.”

“I like this idea.” Dan turned to her. “I can take you to the Overlook Ridge for our interview. Mary, you can see for miles up there.”

She smiled. “And you can’t get there except on horseback, right?”

He nodded and winked. “Right.”

“By the time I finish my article, I should be quite the cowgirl.”

“I’m sure you will.” Carol stood. “Everyone ready for some apple pie?”

She looked over at Dan, who was grinning. Then they both busted out laughing.

Carol looked perplexed. “Really, my apple pie is quite good.”

“That’s not why we are laughing, Mom.” Dan explained about their cheddar cheese conversation in the car earlier. “Would you mind if Mary and I try some with our slices?”

Craig nodded. “I’d like to try that, too.”

“Make that four, Mom,” Dillon added.

“You know I tried that once before I shipped out for Korea,” Jack said. “I thought it was great.”

“How about you two?” Carol looked at her other two husbands. “Would you like cheese, too?”

They both nodded.

Carol grinned. “I want to try it, too. Cheese all around then.”

“I’ll help, sweetheart,” Tom said.

“Me, too.” Will stood.

“Count me in on that.” Jack jumped to his feet. “We all will help. Give these kids a moment to talk about the old folks.”

“I imagine they have better things to talk about than us, honey.” Carol grinned. “But I could use all of you in the kitchen.”

After the older Wildes left her alone with their three sons, Mary’s bathtub dream about them came crashing to the front of her mind. She had to look down at her hands, suddenly unable to look at the handsome trio in their faces.