“What?” Dillon said, seeing the shock on his two brothers’ faces. “What do you mean?”

“Long story, boys. For another day,” Pappy said. “It was a wild wedding night.”

“That’s for sure,” Dad and Pop said together.

“You have your own lady to worry about,” Pappy said. “If I were you three, I would show up to your mother’s dinner dressed to the nines.”

Dillon looked at his watch. “Yes, sir.” And then he, Craig, and Dan ran to the truck.

Chapter Seven

Mary turned on the taps, filling the tub with warm water. She poured in her favorite scent of bubble bath. The sweet aroma began to permeate the air. She lit the candles Carol had left for her, setting them around the edge of the tub. She placed her cassette that she’d retrieved from her suitcase in the portable player, which had also been left by her hostess. She had a wide selection of tapes, but after enjoying King Cakes at the diner, she wanted to go old school and listen to the man who inspired the breakfast dish. The songs on the tape were all soft ballads that helped set the mood for her to relax. As Elvis’s voice crooned one of her favorites, she carefully stuck her toe in to feel the water. The temperature was perfect.

She refilled her glass from the bottle of wine, another gift from Carol. When the tub was full, she turned off the taps, slipped out of her robe, and sunk down into the luxurious water.

Closing her eyes, she laid her head back on the bath pillow. She was so glad she’d met the Wildes—Carol, Tom, Will, and Jack. She had never been treated so well in her entire life. What would it have been like to have such loving parents as them? She couldn’t even imagine. Her parents were so self-absorbed and ambitious. Even though her sister was only a couple years older than her, Maude had been more like a mom to her than her own mother. They had shared a bedroom for many years. Maude made sure she would brush her teeth and get to bed early. Not her parents. Maude always read her a bedtime story to help her fall asleep. Maude’s favorite was always Little Red Riding Hood, but she favored Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Maude is going to make a wonderful mother one day.

Elvis started singing another song, and she began to drift off.

Three husbands? How is that even possible? One at time? All together?

She sighed at the sight of the infinite stars above her head. Craig brought her a rose. Dan handed her another glass of wine. And Dillon gave her strawberries dipped in chocolate. She smiled.

My three husbands. All mine.

“I love you all so much,” she confessed to them.

“And we love you,” they said together in their rich, deep, manly tones.

Dan smiled. “Do you have your camera ready?”

“Why do I need my camera?” She sat up, looking at the gate to the Wilde Ranch.

“Because it’s your birthday and we prepared something for you,” Craig said, stepping back to the gate with Dan and Dillon. God, they were the best-looking men she’d ever laid eyes on.

She smiled. “My birthday?” That was several months away, wasn’t it? November.

As the three of them began stripping out of their clothes, Elvis came up beside her with a guitar, singing one of her favorites of his.

She couldn’t look away from her three men and their perfect muscled bodies. They began gyrating like the King when he was on stage.

“Your husbands have some good moves, Mary,” Elvis said.

When she turned to agree with him, he was gone, leaving her alone with Craig, Dan, and Dillon. “This is the best birthday ever.”

Completely naked, Craig walked up to her.

She gazed at his entire body. “My, you have such a big dick.”

“Better to fuck your sweet lips with, my dear,” Craig said and then kissed her. She felt a tingle spread through her body.

Then Dan stepped in front of her.

“My, what a big dick you have, too.”

“Better to fuck your gorgeous ass with, my dear,” Dan said and then slapped her bare bottom, creating a powerful need inside her.