“I really can drive myself.”

“Please. It would be my honor and pleasure. Since I’m your first interview it will give us time to get to know each other. Pre-questions. That kind of thing.”

“That isn’t a bad idea,” she said.

Dillon smiled. “Dan has good ideas from time to time. Actually, he might be the smartest of the three of us.”

Craig didn’t pop off with his usual wisecrack to Dillon’s statement, which wasn’t like him. Ever since walking in the diner he had been acting so different. The only explanation was Mary.

Once alone with her in the car, he turned to her. “I saw that bad bruise on your arm. How did you get it?”

She held up both her arms. “Which one?”

“The left one. On the back.”

She twisted it around. “I see it.” She frowned. “I had no idea I had that.”

“Did you bang into something?”

“I guess so.” Something in her tone told him she was starting to withdraw, which was the last thing he wanted from her.

He decided to change the subject. Later, when she was more comfortable with him, then he would press her to learn what or who had damaged her arm. “Where did you attend college?”

“Mizzou. University of Missouri. Did you and your brothers go to college?”

“University of Nevada. All three of us were double majors. Business and Agriculture.”

“Sounds like you always knew what you wanted.”

He grinned. “The family business is mining and ranching. It’s in our DNA.”

“What’s your favorite dessert?”

“What a strange question.” He glanced over at her and saw her gorgeous lips shaped into the prettiest smile he’d ever seen.

“You said we needed to get to know each other.”

He laughed. “To business it is then.” God, her smile drives me wild. “My favorite is apple pie.”

“Have you ever tried it with cheese?”

He shook his head. “Have you?”

“I almost did a couple of days ago. Apparently it’s really good if the pie is super sweet and loaded with cinnamon.”

“Would you like to try it with me sometime? It would be a real first for both of us.”

“Hard to turn down that offer.”

“Then don’t.” He liked the banter they were having. Mary wasn’t like any woman he’d ever known. She had an adventurous spirit, ready to try new things. And though she wasn’t from Wilde, she didn’t judge or condemn the unique lifestyles the community supported. In fact, she seemed intrigued by the idea and wanted to know more. He sensed it wasn’t just her article that had ramped up her curiosity.

“We’ll see. Let’s wait until after your interview.”

“I promise to do my best. I really want us to try apple pie with cheese. I know it would be fun.” He watched Dillon pull the truck up to the gate. Craig got out and swung it wide.

“Can we get out a minute?” Mary said frantically.

“Is anything wrong?”