I searched out her free hand and moved it between our bodies. I dropped to my knees in front of her but thankfully was still able to reach her breast from the new position. I continued to tease her with my mouth even as I guided her hand to her jeans. There was enough of a gap behind the waistband for her to slip her hand into the pants without unbuttoning them. There was absolutely no hesitation on her part once her hand disappeared into her jeans. I could feel my dick leaking as my mouth worked her over at the same time that her hand sought out that little nub that would send her over the edge.

Jolene dropped her other hand from her breast and put it on my shoulder. I took advantage of the change in position and covered her other breast with my mouth. My own desperation began to ratchet up as her moans deepened and little sobs spilled from deep within her. Sobs of relief…

I used my hands to push her shirt and bra up, not stopping until I had her breasts exposed. I immediately latched onto her nipple again with my mouth and used my hand to pluck at the other nipple. Skin-to-skin contact sent Jolene to a whole other level and she began rubbing her crotch harder and harder. Her hips pressed forward as she tried to fuck her own hand.

"Zander, oh God! Please! Please!"

I knew she was close. I also knew that if I didn't get her off now, I'd come in my own pants and there was no way in hell I wanted that to happen. The first time I came with her, I was damn well going to be buried inside of her.

I removed my mouth from her breasts long enough to tell her, "I've got you, sweetheart," and then I guided my free hand between her legs. I used the heel of my hand to add pressure to hers and began guiding her movements. Fast and slow, up and down, circles… Whatever her body told me, that was what I helped her give herself. I kept my mouth and my other hand on her the whole time and when I wasn't loving on her gorgeous breasts, I told her how beautiful she was, how I couldn't wait to be inside her. She drank down my praise like water and frantically drove herself higher and higher, begging me to come with her.

Jolene let out a guttural cry of relief when that band inside of her snapped and she went flying over the edge. Her body jerked and shook, and I swore I felt the liquid heat of her seep through her own fingers as well as the fabric of her jeans to seek out my touch. Her free hand sifted through my hair and gripped me hard, holding my mouth against her body. Not that there was any need to keep me there… no way in hell was I going anywhere.

The orgasm went on and on and when Jolene's hand seemed to falter from exhaustion, I kept up the pressure so she could ride out every ounce of her release. When it was over, her body slumped and I helped her drop to her knees in front of me. She could barely catch her breath, but when she finally did, something inside of her seemed to burst and she began to cry.

I'd been with a few emotional women who cried after sex, but this was different. She wasn't crying just from the pleasure she'd experienced… there was something else there too. So I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. She leaned into me and pressed her mouth against my neck. Her hot tears slipped over my skin. I pressed my hand to the back of her head. Her ponytail had become loose, so I gently eased the tie out of her hair and then threaded my fingers through the silky locks so I could hold her against me.

"It's okay, Joli. I've got you," I murmured as she continued to cry. It took several minutes for her to quiet in my arms, but even then, she didn't pull away. I expected her to be embarrassed about the outburst and was ready to reassure her that it wasn't a problem for me, but she caught me off guard when she pulled back enough that I could see her tear-stained face.

Her hand came up to cup my cheek and then she shook her head slightly. I was certain it was the kiss of death and she was going to tell me to leave, but to my surprise, she said, "Thank you." Nothing more. No other words. And I knew in my heart it wasn't just a thank-you-for-getting-me-off kind of thing either.

At that moment, I didn't care that my body was still aching with need. All I cared about was the woman practically straddling my lap. How in the world had she ended up with an ex-husband and then a jackass like Ted? What kind of fools gave up their chance to be with a woman like her?