But he really wasn’t. Why would he be? I couldn’t even imagine how much it must have hurt when Casey found out the guy he’d loved forever wasn’t straight after all, and that he’d chosen me, not him.

My brother wouldn’t want to talk about any of that though, so I did the only thing I could. I stuck a smile on my face and walked through the door saying, “Are you up for a game of gin rummy? That sounds fun to me right now. Also, did you see I bought all the fixings for Long Island Iced Teas? It’s a good night to get hammered.”

Casey did the same thing I did. He stuck a smile on his face and pretended everything was okay as he said, “That sounds revolting with brownies.”

“So, coffee and brownies first, Long Islands and you losing at cards second.”

“You literally always lose. Sometimes you even forget what game you’re playing halfway through a hand.”

“Okay, yes, sometimes my mind wanders. But I bet I can still beat you tonight.”

He got up from the table and grinned. “Good luck with that. I’ll get the coffee, you get the cards.”

We ended up eating all the brownies, then switching to the very potent cocktails and playing cards until midnight. Casey won most of the rounds, just like he always did. Finally, he said, “I need to go to bed. I always forget how much those drinks kick my ass, because they go down so easy.”

“Same. I’ll see you in the morning. You can be my guinea pig. I’m planning to invent a nine-cheese omelet.”

He stood up and made a face. “Did you really buy nine different kinds of cheese?”

“I did. There’s literally no such thing as too much cheese.”

“I think you’ll disprove that theory when you make those omelets.” He crossed the room and paused in the doorway of his bedroom. Then he turned back to me and said, “I had fun tonight. Thanks for the drinks and the brownies, and for sucking really bad at cards.” I chuckled at that, and he grinned at me before stepping into his room and shutting the door.

I spent a few minutes straightening up the kitchen, and then I turned off the lights and went into my room. After I shut the door behind me, I changed into a pair of gray sweats, brushed my teeth, and got ready for bed. Then I stuck my feet into my hiking boots, pocketed my phone, and climbed out my window, leaving it slightly ajar to make sure I could get back in the next morning.

It was freezing cold, and the night was very still. My breath formed a cloud as I ran to the cabin next door. A light was on in the bedroom, and I tapped on the window. A moment later, Eden pushed the curtains aside and seemed surprised to see me. He raised the sash and whispered, “What are you doing?”

“Sneaking out of the house, the way I used to when I was in high school. I didn’t want to flaunt the fact that I was coming here to spend the night with you, so I went out my bedroom window.” I heaved myself over the sill, which was a bit awkward since the windows were higher from the outside. Then I shut the window and flashed him a smile.

“You know, you could have just used my front door.”

“This was more fun.” I kicked off my unlaced hiking boots and climbed into his bed as I said, “Hurry up and get in here. I’m freezing and need your body heat.”

Eden smiled at me and shut off the light before sliding under the covers. As we gravitated together, he murmured, “I’m so glad you’re here.”

I put my head on his chest, and as he wrapped his arms around me I whispered, “Me, too.”

Chapter 13

Eden’s handsome face was the first thing I saw when I raised an eyelid the next morning. The night before, we’d curled up together and talked until we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

I was so glad we had this time to just be together and figure things out. I wasn’t proud of the way I’d run off when I got mad at him, and he didn’t like the way he’d handled things when Casey first arrived, but we’d learned from it and were moving forward.

We both realized becoming a couple after years as friends was a process. Even though we knew each other well, being in a relationship was another thing entirely. We were building on a strong foundation, but we were still building.

I watched him wake up gradually, shifting a bit before he opened his eyes and focused on me. The sweetest smile spread across his face, and he murmured, “Good morning.”

I grinned at him and kissed the tip of his nose. “Hi. I’m going to make us some coffee, and I’ll be right back.”