I came up to him and took a plate from his hands, then shut off the water as I asked, as gently as I could, “Does he know?”

Casey looked mortified as he admitted, “I asked him out after his relationship with his first girlfriend ended. I also told him how I felt about him after he and Sarah broke up.”

Oh god. It went back years. “What did he say?”

“That he loved me like a brother, but that was all it’d ever be.”

“I had no idea. You never told me any of this.”

“Of course not. It was embarrassing,” he said. “For the record though, this isn’t why I’m so upset about you and him. He never should have gone there with you, no matter what.”

“I’m not going to debate that with you. I just want to say this—Eden and I aren’t just messing around here, Casey. He’s my future. Please don’t let this drive a wedge between you and me, or you and him. We both love you, and we need you in our lives.”

“I can’t just flip a switch and get over this.”

“I know that. It’s going to take time.”

“I really don’t think I can stay here with you two,” he said. “I’m just not ready for a front row seat to the Seth and Eden show.”

“Please don’t go.”

My phone beeped just then, and I pulled it from the pocket of my hoodie and read the text. “Perfect timing! Eden rented the cabin next door, so you and I can have this one. He says ‘I know Casey’s going to want some space, and this was the best idea I could come up with.’ That’ll work, right?”

He seemed unconvinced, but after a few moments he relented and murmured, “Yeah, I guess so.”

“Great. So, I’m going to take Eden some of the groceries, and when I come back you and I can hang out and gorge ourselves on the brownies I bought. They’re your favorite, caramel pecan.”

He turned from me again and muttered, “Yeah, whatever.”

He rolled back the sleeves of his flannel shirt and started on the dishes while I got the coffee pot going. After I sliced up the brownies and put a plate of them on the table, I packed up some of the food and said, “I’ll be right back.”

On the way out, I retrieved Eden’s duffle bag from the bedroom and brought it with me. Then I went next door and knocked before letting myself in.

This cabin was almost identical to ours. He’d made a fire and taken off his shoes, and he had his feet up on the coffee table. When I came in, he set aside the back issue of National Geographic he’d been reading and asked, “How’s Casey?”

“Hurt and angry. He was going to leave, so it’s a good thing you rented this cabin.” I dropped the duffle onto a chair, then carried the groceries to the kitchen as I said, “I divvied up the food. I tried to bring everything you’d need for the next couple of days, but I probably forgot some stuff. If so, just text me and I’ll bring whatever you need. Oh, and there’s a brownie for dessert, in case you feel like treating yourself.”

“Thank you.” Eden joined me in the kitchen and helped me put away the groceries. After a few moments, he said, “I wish I knew how to fix things with your brother.”

“So do I. It’s actually a huge mess. Do you know he has a crush on you? I hope I’m not speaking out of turn, but he said he told you a while back.”

He looked pained as he rubbed his forehead. “I was hoping that was in the past. The last time he said something, which was about a year ago, I tried to explain as gently as possible that I just didn’t feel the same way about him. I do love Casey, but as a friend, and I told him it would never be more than that.”

“That’s really all you could do,” I said.

“Should I go talk to him?”

“Not right now. Let’s just give him a little time.” I closed the door to the refrigerator and said, “I’m going to go back and keep him company. Will you be alright?”

He grinned at me. “I’ll be fine. I have ten years’ worth of National Geographics to keep me entertained.”

“Okay. I’ll check in later, after Casey goes to bed.” I gave Eden a hug before heading for the door.

After crossing the twenty-five feet or so between cabins, I paused on the porch and studied Casey through the window. My big, tough brother, who always acted like nothing ever got to him, seemed so lost and vulnerable as he sat alone at the kitchen table. It broke my heart, especially because I knew as soon as I went in there, he’d pull up a façade and act like he was fine.