The few times I’d taken control of our kisses, I'd been hesitant because I hadn't wanted to screw it up. But this… this was different. This was my body reacting to his. There was no second guessing or self-doubt involved. My body knew exactly what to do, my mouth knew exactly how to bring pleasure to his the same way he was bringing it to mine.

Luca’s body pressed mine against the door. I could feel his erection through his clothes. It should have scared me, but it didn't. I welcomed it, though I wasn't sure why. All I knew was that I didn't want him to ever stop touching me, kissing me, owning me.

But he ended the kiss way too soon. I was panting for breath when he pulled back and pressed his forehead against mine. At least he was breathing hard too.

"Are you all right?" he asked me again.

I probably should've told him yes, just so I could keep things easy. But the last thing I wanted to do was lie to him. I shook my head and whispered, "I miss you so much. You and Violet."

I was certain I heard him sigh in relief, but I didn't know why. Surely, he realized he was better off without me. He’d done what he’d set out to do… he’d protected me and found Violet's family. What else was there?

"Luca, if this is the guilt—"

"It's not the fucking guilt, Remy!" he practically shouted. "I want you! I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you again."

I stared at him in shock and then shook my head. "No," I began. "No, you stopped. The last time we kissed, you stopped when you touched me. You felt my scars and you knew all the things I’d done to put them there. I'm a junkie and a who—"

That was all I got out before his mouth slammed down on mine once again. I groaned as he kissed me even harder than he had before. He jutted his hips forward until his dick was rubbing mine through our clothing. I cried out at the contact because it was so foreign to me. I’d never once gotten hard while being with another guy, so everything Luca was doing to me was a first. I kissed him back, feeling clumsy and inexperienced, but if it bothered Luca, he didn't show it. I didn't understand any of what was happening, but I didn't want him to stop either.

Luca’s hands moved up my wrists, then over my palms. He twined our fingers together but kept my hands above my head and against the wood. He broke the kiss once again and this time I could barely catch my breath. His mouth was mere inches from mine, and I could see that he was in the same state.

"You don't ever call yourself those things again, do you hear me?" he growled at me. "You are none of those things." He gave my hands a little bit of a shake and repeated, "You. Are. None. Of. Those. Things."

I was too caught up in a haze of desire to do anything but agree with him. I still had no clue what was happening. The idea that he could actually want me wasn't something my brain knew how to process. The guys who'd paid to have sex with me hadn't exactly been picky. Luca could have any man or woman he wanted. Even if I hadn't come with the shit ton of baggage that I did, I was skinny and pale and practically had more scars on my body than not. Luca was built and beautiful. But on top of that, he was brave and kind and he had a softness about him when it came to Violet, to his son… to me.

"I stopped before because I didn't want to overwhelm you. I didn't want you thinking that I only wanted you physically. You were in a vulnerable state with everything that had happened that night. If I'd taken advantage of that…" He didn't continue, choosing instead just to shake his head. How had I ever thought this man was selfish and had only used me when I’d been a kid? How had I thought him unfeeling?

Luca released one of my hands and trailed his fingers down my arm, over my cheek, and along my neck. His hand kept going south until he reached my hip… the hip with the scar on it. "You're so beautiful, Remy," he whispered and then his mouth brushed a featherlight kiss over mine. "Every time I look at you, it's all I can do not to touch you." His hand moved back up my side and then settled in the middle of my chest. "And your heart, Remy. You have the most giving heart I've ever known. To survive what you have and to then offer forgiveness to someone like me…"