I hadn’t been with anyone since I’d lost my son. Sex hadn’t even been anywhere on my radar. I’d been consumed with finding my child and as the days had changed to months, then years, I’d added on to my obsession by getting as many kids as I could back to their families. In between all that, I’d had to keep up the persona I’d spent a lifetime building. No one besides my brothers had known that Luca Covello, the former-mobster-wannabe’s-son-who’d-gone-legit, had lost the only thing in his life that’d really mattered. I had been and still was a shell of a man on the inside, but to the outside world, I was the domineering, ruthless businessman who walked that fine line between legal and shady. Even having Gio back, no matter what his condition was, I still couldn’t claim him like I’d always wanted. My father had made sure of that. I’d inherited too many of his enemies to risk exposing my son to.

My vibrating phone on the small table next to the chair I’d been sitting in the night before had Remy stirring against me. I moved my hand down to his back and ran my fingers up and down his spine in the hopes that he’d settle again, but it only lasted as long as it took my phone to start vibrating again, about thirty seconds after it stopped the first time.

Remy sighed and shifted his body until his face, more specifically, his lips, were pressed against the column of my throat. My dick, which was already half-hard, started to throb, and it was all I could do to keep my lower half under control. I knew I needed to wake Remy up because this wasn’t exactly what I’d been expecting.

“Remy,” I said softly.

What I could only classify as a sexy little whimper escaped his throat and then he was moving again. His nose nuzzled me, then it was like he was inhaling, like he was trying to breathe me in.

“Remy,” I repeated, this time through gritted teeth because Remy had tugged his hand free of mine and was sliding it across my chest. His palm landed on my nipple, which tightened beneath my shirt. My phone began vibrating again, but I couldn’t have moved even if I wanted to.

And I definitely didn’t want to.

I was caught in this weird, semi-frozen state. I knew I couldn’t touch him and I knew I couldn’t let him touch me anymore, but I also couldn’t make my body respond to any of my commands to release him. Remy’s lips were on my Adam’s apple. My swallowing must have registered with him, even in his sleep, because his mouth opened just a little over the bump. His hand applied pressure to my nipple at the same time his warm breath skittered over my throat. The pressure in my balls became too much.

“Remy, baby, please, you have to wake up,” I pleaded as I moved the hand I had on his back to his head. I tried to grab his wayward hand with mine, but he moved it up to my throat. I covered his slim fingers at the exact moment that he placed them behind my ear. I tilted my head so I could look down at him on the off chance he was awake and wanted this, because that was really all the permission I needed.

I was that far gone.

I saw his beautiful blue eyes staring back at mine, but I could tell he wasn’t completely awake. That was probably why his hold on me tightened. His intent was clear as he held me in place while he started to scoot up my body enough so our mouths would be in line.

“Remy, you need to wake up,” I repeated. I put my arm around his waist to keep him from moving up my body anymore. “It can’t be like this,” I whispered, more to myself than him. His mouth landed on my jaw, but before he could tip my head so the next caress of his gorgeous lips would land on mine, there was a soft knock at my door.

“Mr. Covello?”

The sound made Remy pause, but it wasn’t until the next knock that his eyes cleared. I expected him to yank himself away from me, but he didn’t. I wasn’t sure why he hung there for another beat, but I could still feel his breath on my face. He was panting like he’d run a marathon. His body tensed against mine and I found myself holding him tighter rather than releasing him.


He said my name as a question. Like he truly didn’t understand what was happening. His eyes dropped to my mouth and then lifted again, and the question became a different kind.

Or at least, that was what I was imagining.