I was going to change that.

I shook my head and said, "If you get your mouth anywhere near me, I'm going to blow, and at my age, recovery isn't a sure thing." I winked at him, which had him smiling. He ran his hands down my sides and over my ass.

"I'll keep you young, old man." Remy grinned when he said the words and my heart felt lighter than it ever had. I knew in that moment that no matter what, we would be okay.

"I'd be satisfied if you’d just finish what you started," I said as I lifted my hands to point out that my shirt was still hanging off my body because he hadn't undone the buttons at my wrists. Remy grinned again and then, instead of reaching for the buttons, he grabbed the shirt and simply yanked it off my hands. He did the same with the other sleeve. But once his fingers went for my pants, I grabbed his hand.

"Not yet, my love. I need all the layers I can get between my dick and this gorgeous body of yours.”

I was glad that Remy didn't seem overly nervous about the fact that he was now naked beneath me. He opened his legs to make room for me and we spent several minutes just exploring each other’s mouths.

Then I was on to the rest of his body. Now that I had him flat on his back, it was easier to love every inch of him. I teased his cock with my mouth but didn't suck on him again. He was already growing hard, so I knew it would only be a matter of time before he was fully ready to go again.

I moved down his body until my knees were on the floor. I lifted his legs so his feet were flat on the mattress. I felt him tense up at being exposed and vulnerable like he was, but he didn't protest the move. I kissed his inner thighs and teased his cock with a few fluttering kisses and then mouthed his balls. I placed my arm around his hips to keep him in place as I sucked one of the tight orbs into my mouth. Remy's back arched and if I hadn't been holding him down, he most surely would've come off the bed entirely. As it was, he called my name and buried his hands in my hair. I gave the rest of his flesh the same treatment and then I was pulling him farther off the bed and folding his legs in on himself.

But I didn't give him time to wonder what I was doing.

Instead, I went in for the kill.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I wasn't exactly a religious person, but I spent the next several minutes begging the man above to both release me from the torment of Luca’s incredible mouth and to make it so he never stopped. I hadn't really understood what Luca was planning until his tongue had swiped over my hole the first time. At that point, a spark of logic had returned to my overworked brain and I’d tried to say something about how what he was doing had to be wrong. But then that sinful tongue had moved over me again and again and with every intimate caress, I’d felt the muscles of my body grow tighter and tighter as fire had flicked up my spine and radiated out to every nerve ending.

Whatever was building inside of me bordered on painful, but there was this need there as well.

I'd always been clueless why guys had paid me money for something that’d seemed so disgusting as them putting their dicks in my mouth or up my ass. But after having Luca's mouth literally pulling out the most intense orgasm from my dick that I'd ever experienced, things were starting to make more sense. I'd never had someone put me first before, or even care about whether I experienced pleasure or not. I was suddenly glad that I hadn't because it made it possible to compartmentalize what other men had done to me versus what Luca was currently doing.

I couldn't make sense of any of the words or sounds that were coming out of my mouth, but I knew they probably had something to do with the mental begging I was doing. I wanted more, but I was also afraid of it. Luca’s tongue practically worshipped the part of my body that had only ever experienced pain. Along with the overwhelming sensation came a mix of emotions that were hard to process.

Then I remembered Luca's words. I was supposed to feel.

So that's what I did.

I felt loved and wanted and cherished as Luca did the most pleasurable things to my body. When his tongue pushed inside of me, there was no time to be frightened of what was to come. I reached down to grab my dick because it was once again hard and I could feel my orgasm building in my balls. I started to stroke myself, but Luca's hand came up to cover mine. I thought he was going to help get me off, but instead he held my hand where it was, so I could do nothing but hold myself as he continued to fuck my ass with his tongue.