I stood frozen in place expecting the animal to nip at my fingers, rub up against me, or something else that would show his power over me. But all he did was sit expectantly at my feet and wait. I put my hand out to let him sniff it, but even then, he didn't get pushy. I wondered if the animal had a sixth sense about these things. Like he knew I wasn't ready for more than a quick pat on his head. I did just that and then turned and left the house. It might not have been the most graceful of exits, but I was exceedingly proud of myself for having dealt with my fear head-on.

With Ronan and the dog.

My experience with Dom when I arrived at the office was strikingly similar to my encounter with Ronan. There was no judgment as I apologized profusely for having walked away from my responsibilities. I explained about Violet but made it clear that I understood it wasn't an excuse. I fully expected the man to reprimand me in some kind of way or to warn me that it couldn't happen again, but when I was finished talking, he simply handed me my employee badge and asked if I'd be able to start again on Monday. Then he promptly invited me to the family dinner and told me to bring my guy and the rest of my family with me.

Family dinners with the Barretti clan were an event in and of themselves and while I'd been to a couple of them, I'd always stayed on the outer edges and left as soon as I could. And while the idea of attending one of the busy gatherings was intimidating, I couldn't help but picture myself walking into the place with Luca at my side.

I was emotionally drained by the time I left the office. I conveyed Ronan's message to Dom about winning the rent thing they’d had going on, but Dom had merely shrugged it off and muttered something under his breath that I hadn't dared asked him to clarify. I was eager to get back to Luca, so I skipped the trip to my apartment and had Stan take me back to the house.

I expected the place to be swarming with Luca’s family, but it was eerily quiet when I entered through the front door. I also hadn't seen any cars in the driveway, including Marilyn's rental car. I'd asked Stan if he knew where everyone had gone, but he hadn't.

I was on edge as I began searching the house. What if Marilyn and Violet had left without saying goodbye? Maybe the woman had thought it would be easier that way for me and for Violet.

What if Luca had left? He had everything he wanted, so maybe he'd decided to head back to the city so he could go back to his office. At some point he'd want to take Gio home to New York. Maybe this was his way of telling me. We'd spent every night together since our first date, and I'd even slept in his bed, but we hadn't gotten physical again beyond some kissing and touching here and there. Maybe he knew I wasn't ready for more and he was tired of waiting.

"Luca?" I called, even as I tried to convince myself that it was okay, that it was the way things needed to be. I was supposed to be able to let him go, so now was as good a time as any.

Except that it wasn't. I wasn't ready.

"Luca!" I practically screamed at the top of my lungs as I began searching each of the rooms. I dashed up the stairs, but just as I went to open the door to his room, I heard my name being called.

I turned and looked over the banister and saw Luca standing in the foyer watching me with concern. To see him there when I’d convinced myself that he was gone stole my breath.

"Remy? What's wrong?" Luca asked.

But I couldn't find the strength to respond. The relief that he wasn't gone was so overpowering that I had to grab onto the banister to stay upright. Even then, I felt my knees buckle and a harsh sob I hadn't been expecting burst from my throat.

He was next to me within a matter of seconds. His arms went around me as he worriedly asked me again what was wrong. I shook my head because I’d been momentarily robbed of the ability to speak. I wrapped my arms around him and was glad when he just hung onto me.

"Talk to me, baby," Luca said after I’d calmed down a bit.

"I thought you’d left," I admitted. "I thought I was ready, but I'm not. I'm not, Luca!"

He wiped my face, and I felt bad for being such a blubbering fool around him that he probably couldn't even understand what I was saying.