So yeah, sometimes it felt like I was ready, but deep down I knew I wasn't. I wondered if I ever would be. And if I wouldn't be, would I be able to let Luca have what he wanted and pretend it was as perfect as all the other moments with him?

"Tell me what you're thinking," Luca said.

It wasn't until he'd spoken that I realized he’d lifted part of his weight off me and was studying me.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Remy—" he began.

"I swear, Luca, I'm fine." It wasn't exactly a lie. I was okay at the moment; I was just overthinking things like I usually did. I was so used to having to fight things in my life that I had a habit of preparing for them—preparing for the worst.

Luca was resting his head on his hand. He used his other hand to push the hair off my temple. I definitely liked having longer hair, even if it was just so he’d have an excuse to play with it.

"Okay," he responded. "But I need you to understand something."

I opened my mouth to interrupt him again because I didn't want to ruin this moment with talk about how things would be my choice and all that, but he covered my mouth with two of his fingers.

"All this is new to me," he said. "I want things from you that I've never wanted from anyone else."

I couldn't help the nerves that built in my belly. I already knew he wanted to fuck me. But for some reason, I didn't want to hear him say it. I didn't know why.

"I just need to know that when we get to that point that we can talk about it first. I know some guys like to stick to certain roles, but I'm not one of them… not with you, anyway. So if and when we get to the point that you might be interested in fucking me, I just want to know that we can take things slow because I've never let a guy do that to me."

I shook my head in disbelief because I had to have heard him wrong.

"You want me to…" I began, then I sat up, jostling him a bit. My eyes shifted to his gorgeous shaft, but I was too preoccupied with what he’d said to admire it. "You want me to…"

Why in the hell could I not get the words out?

Oh right, because it was too unbelievable. He was actually saying he wanted me to fuck him. Me—skinny, scarred, weak Remy—making love to gorgeous, strong, experienced Luca.

"Oh God, I'm still asleep," I blurted. That was the only way to explain why I was sitting in bed with the most beautiful man in the world and we were talking about me putting my unimpressive dick into his mouthwatering body. "I'm dreaming about all of this. You letting me fuck you, grits—whatever the hell they are—and your strangely sweet but kind of pushy brother."

Luca sidled up next to me. He rested his back against the headboard and put his arm around my shoulders. "I absolutely want you to fuck me, the grits thing is an inside story that Vaughn and Aleks started, and saying Con has boundary issues is like saying the Queen of England is a bit stiff." He kissed my cheek and said, "How about we go get some breakfast and eat it in here, in bed? We can hide away from my brothers for a bit longer."

Whether I was dreaming or not, the answer to that question was an easy one. Any question that involved me spending more time with this man required no thought whatsoever. But instead of using words to tell him I thought his plan was an excellent one, I used my mouth instead.

* * *

The dream world I’d convinced myself I was living in continued throughout the rest of the morning and well into the afternoon. Although breakfast was supposed to have been in the privacy of Luca's room, Con had used the mother of all weapons against me and Luca a mere fifteen minutes after he’d left the room.


When there’d been a knock at the door (which had been fortunate because Luca and I had once again been in a heavy make-out session), Luca had pulled on a pair of sweatpants before answering it. While the knock had been heavy enough to prove it had been an adult, the only one standing in front of the door when he’d opened it had been Violet.

Since there’d been no way the child could have gotten upstairs by herself, let alone knocked, we’d figured she’d had help, and Luca had spied his brother dashing down the stairs just moments after Luca had picked the toddler up. It had been a strange thing to be sitting against the headboard of the bed, my lower half covered by the blanket, as Luca had carried Violet into the room and set her on my lap. He’d then gotten in bed next to me and we’d played with the little girl for several minutes until Marilyn had made an appearance.