But not only did I not want to hurt Darren like that, I also didn’t want to press my luck with Rick. He’d never laid a hand on me in anger before, but today when he’d pulled me away from my new neighbor, his grip had hurt and I hadn’t liked the look in his eye.

As I eased my body into the shower so I could get ready for the evening, my thoughts drifted to the hunk of yumminess living next door.


I actually heard myself saying his name out loud before I realized what I was doing.

Devon Rhodes was hot.

No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Everything about him pinged all my boxes.

From his heavy build to his light hair to his kind gray-blue eyes.

Oh, yeah, and his protectiveness.

Okay, so maybe he’d just been protecting his sweet little dog from Rick’s temper, but I’d let myself pretend for a moment that maybe he’d been acting on my behalf just a bit too. I’d gotten the warm and fuzzies when he’d done that until I’d remembered that I hadn’t been the target of his growly show of strength. It was all I’d been able to do after that to remind myself not to throw myself into the guy’s arms for however long I needed in order to absorb some of his courage.

But I didn’t do that anymore.

I wasn’t throwing myself at any man ever again. I’d watched my mother do that for nearly my entire life, and no way in hell did I want to turn out like her.

Thanks, but no thanks.

I was doing just fine on my own. I just needed to keep taking things one day at a time. And all I had to do today was get through one night of being surrounded by happy, loving couples without telling them they were fools for thinking that love and romance even existed.

Oh, and also not fall on my face during my so-called performance.

“Yeah, good luck with that, Sebastian,” I murmured as I hurried through the rest of my shower.

My knee was hurting like a son of a bitch but taking one of my prescription pain pills hadn’t been an option. So I’d settled for popping a couple of ibuprofen. I was hoping it would take the edge off by the time I got to the hotel where the fundraiser was being held. I’d do a short routine that would hopefully satisfy the guests then make polite conversation as I signed autographs and came up with benign responses to the inevitable questions about whether I’d be rejoining my dance company. Then I’d get the hell out of there and celebrate Valentine’s Day like every single red-blooded American did – by eating fattening ice cream in front of the television while cursing the greeting card and chocolate companies for creating such a stupid holiday to begin with.

Hell, maybe I’d go all out tonight and use a glass of wine (or three) to wash down the pain pill I was going to swallow the second I got home.

I couldn’t help but let my thoughts drift to Devon again. He looked like a beer drinker. With those strong fingers, he’d probably break the delicate stem of a wineglass. A shiver snaked through my spine as I considered what those fingers would feel like stroking all over my body. His skin had been rough when he’d shaken my hand, but not in a bad way. They’d been work-roughened hands.

They’d been delicious.

Reel it in, Sebastian. He’s off limits.

Even if he turned out to be gay – which I highly doubted, because life just wasn’t kind enough to plop me down next to the hottest guy I’d ever seen and have him play for my team – I was going to keep my distance.

Okay, so maybe I’d let myself have a naughty fantasy or two about him tonight when I was drunk off my ass.

Wall sex.

Yeah, we’d have us a little wall sex because I’d always wanted to try that.

Even the idea of Devon pinning me to the wall with his big body as I wrapped my legs around his waist had my dick filling in anticipation. I almost dropped my hand to take care of the problem when my phone beeped.

“Fuck,” I breathed as I glanced at the latest message from Rick.

The kids are counting on you, Seb…

Devon was right. The guy really was a dick.

I snatched up my phone and typed, I’m leaving in a few, hit the send button and tossed my phone into my bag that was sitting on the counter. My costume and other personal belongings like my wallet were already in there. It still went against the grain to put my wallet in my bag, but no way in hell was I going to carry it on my person.

I’d learned the hard way what a mistake that was.