Which was utterly ridiculous because I had absolutely no interest in Sage Brighton and his flirtatious ways.

Or Cash Malloy’s solid strength and mysterious demeanor.

And there was nothing at all about the way they’d whispered to one another or the subtle looks and touches they’d shared during that reception that had made something inside of me positively vibrate with need.

No, nothing at all.

“Liar,” I whispered.

And I positively hadn’t gotten all flustered when they’d shaken my hand and said my name with those deep, raspy voices.

I didn’t wait for my inner voice to call me out on the obvious lie a second time. Instead, I steeled myself to face them when I opened the bathroom door.

As I walked through the door, I looked down one last time to make sure the towel was secure around my hips.

So I didn’t see them right away.

But I heard them.

I mean, really heard them.

Like no-mistaking-what-they-were-doing heard them.

“Not yet, baby. Gonna play for a bit.”

Even though my brain understood the meaning behind those words, it couldn’t make sense of the sight it was taking in the second I lifted my eyes.

And it most definitely wasn’t able to process the rush of heat that exploded throughout my entire body.

Heat that had absolutely nothing to do with embarrassment.

I opened my mouth to vocalize my shock, but no sound came out as I watched Sage’s naked lower half push back against the finger that was burrowed in his crack. Seconds later, said finger appeared right before Cash’s big hand landed with a resounding smack on Sage’s backside.

Sparks detonated deep inside my belly and a strange sensation built between my legs.

The same sensation I’d felt only a stirring of when I’d seen some of the men kissing their partners tonight.

I needed to turn around. I needed to speak up. I needed to do something, anything, to make them aware of my presence. But I could only stand there numbly as Cash grabbed Sage by the hair and forced his head back. It looked painful, but when Sage let out a loud moan and his bright eyes fell on the face of his lover, I knew it was anything but.

I should have kept my eyes on their faces, but my brain was still in that stage of trying to catch up and I automatically lowered my gaze when I saw some movement.

And holy shit did that stirring between my legs become something else entirely.

Something in my body clawed at my insides at the sight of Cash’s dick in Sage’s hand. His long fingers were slowly sliding up and down the shaft, giving me teasing glances of ridges and veins that moved gracefully over the length of hard flesh.

What would it feel like in my hand? Soft? Hard? Both?

“Keep me on the edge,” Cash murmured, his voice thick with desire. I watched in utter shock as Sage nodded and then lowered his head back to Cash’s lap. And then I was covering my mouth with my hand as Cash’s cock disappeared completely into Sage’s mouth.

“That’s it,” Cash said softly, almost reverently, as he ran his hand over Sage’s head. Where he’d been harsh earlier as he’d grabbed Sage’s hair, he was so gentle now as he soothed his lover. And Sage seemed so…

God, he seemed so eager to please. Like he was basking in Cash’s words of praise. But seconds ago, he’d also seemed so blissfully content, even as his lover had forced his head back with what had to have been a punishing hold.

I couldn’t make sense of it.

Or my reaction to it.

Why the hell couldn’t I move? What was happening inside of me? Logically, I knew what it was that I was feeling, but I couldn’t process the intensity of it. I’d touched myself a few times, had managed to even bring myself to orgasm on occasion, but to have all that sensation going on within my body when no one had even touched me… or even acknowledged my presence?

What the hell was wrong with me?

I again told myself to move, to quietly step back into the bathroom until the men were done.

But my brain refused to do my bidding. And worse yet, it was on autopilot.

Because I did move back a few steps, but not to go back into the bathroom.

No, I moved so I could lean back against the doorframe, since my knees were suddenly feeling too weak to hold my own weight up. The need inside of me was becoming painful and I instinctively knew what I needed to do to stop it.

But I couldn’t.

It was wrong.

It was oh so very wrong.

But none of that mattered as my fingers left my mouth and skimmed down my throat. My skin lit up wherever I touched myself and that spot between my legs began screaming for attention.

Their attention.

As Cash leaned over Sage’s body again, I managed to suppress a moan as his finger disappeared like it had before. Only this time, I had no doubt whatsoever about what he was doing with it. Or the pleasure Sage was experiencing, because he moaned loudly and my eyes automatically snapped to where Sage’s mouth was consuming his lover’s cock. His cheeks were hollowed out and I could see his hand working frantically inside of Cash’s pants.