Back pressed against the doorframe, head thrown back so her loose hair nearly reached the curve of her ass, hand pressed against her belly, lips… lips parted.

Eyes closed.

I willed her to open them so I could see proof of what her body was telling me. At that exact moment, Sage let out a loud moan as I pulled my finger out and pushed it back into his waiting body, and Daisy reacted as if it had been her own body experiencing the sensual intrusion. She let out a ragged little gasp and her fingers flexed briefly before sliding even lower on her belly.

And when she finally opened her eyes, there was no mistaking what I no longer needed proof of.

She was beyond turned on.

And she had no clue what to do about it.

Chapter 2


“What did you do?” I murmured to myself as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

The water had done a lot to clear away the fog of alcohol that had still been hanging over me in the hours since I’d gotten back to the motel, but I was still feeling light-headed. Unfortunately, the buzz that had kept me from remembering exactly what I’d said to Cash and Sage just a few short minutes ago was fading fast and I could feel – and see – my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Holy hell, had I really asked them if they thought Memphis and his men were all together at the same time or took turns with one another? I groaned and hung my head.

Please, God, don’t let me have asked Memphis or any of the other men involved in a threesome relationship that very thing.

It was bad enough that Sage wasn’t going to let me live it down. I’d die of embarrassment if any of the other men I worked with on a daily basis brought it up.

This whole thing was proof that I didn’t belong out here in the real world. It was just too damn hard. I liked it better when the men I worked with were heaping their praise on me over the phone, not in person.

Because when I was on the phone, I was Daisy Washburne, IT girl extraordinaire. In person I was awkward, weird, bumbling Daisy who just didn’t quite fit.

It wasn’t that any of Ronan’s men had ever made me feel that way in the nine months since I’d joined the team. No, it was a sentiment that still lingered from my childhood and that I often applied to people who looked at me with that little bit of confusion – like they didn’t exactly know what to make of me.

I couldn’t really blame them. After all, I didn’t really fit the typical mold of a girl who found more comfort sitting in front of a computer screen chatting with other computer nerds all day and all night than out in the real world talking to actual people. I wasn’t some skinny chick with small boobs and cute hair in a sexy, boyish style who knew how to rock black clothes, piercings, and heavy makeup. No, I was most at home in loose sweats and a faded, too-big T-shirt that did nothing to hide my ample endowments. My eyes fell to my chest and I shook my head in disbelief.

Had I really been sitting outside my door with no bra beneath my bulky T-shirt and my favorite hot pink boyshort underwear for all the world to see?

Complaining about wanting chocolate.

And how hot it was to see two guys kiss.

And that no one had asked me to dance.

No… that Cash and Sage hadn’t been the ones to ask me to dance.

God, could I have made an even bigger fool of myself?

“Damn champagne,” I muttered as I forced myself to straighten. I tugged at the knot I’d twisted my hair into so that it wouldn’t get wet while I showered and then snagged a dry towel off the rack. Even though my T-shirt fell well below my upper thighs, I wasn’t about to risk giving the two men in the other room another show, so I wrapped the towel around my waist and knotted it. As much as I wanted to just hide out in the bathroom until I was told someone had arrived to open my door for me, I knew it would make me look even more foolish than I already did and I wanted to save what little scraps of dignity I could, since I had to work with these guys for the foreseeable future.

God, Sage was going to have the best time teasing me about this. And Cash… hell, who knew what Cash would do.

The two men were so very different, yet there was something about them that was just so…

I sighed because I didn’t have an explanation for what they were. I’d spent way too much time tonight watching the pair interact, and it had been one of the reasons I’d found myself reaching for one champagne flute after another. I’d already guessed Sage and Cash were a couple, but seeing them tonight had confirmed it and I’d hated the feeling of loss that had gone through me.