Daisy seemed to hesitate for a moment before nodding. “Thank you.”

Her tension was a steep reminder that she was, in all likelihood, an innocent. I nodded and turned away from her so I could get our door open. Sage stayed by her side, but he kept his hands to himself when he saw that she wasn’t overly unsteady on her feet.

Once inside the room, I said, “Daisy, why don’t you go shower? It’ll help warm you up faster.”

The young woman watched us both for a moment as if waiting to see if we were going to grab her or something. I closed the distance between us and was pleased when she didn’t step back. “Daisy,” I said softly even as I forced myself not to touch her. “You know us,” I said as I glanced over my shoulder at Sage who looked both hungry and uncertain at the same time. He was clearly in the same boat as me – being around this girl and not being able to touch her was a unique form of torture. “We would never hurt you in a million years. You’re safe with us.”

My words seemed to relax her enough to where she nodded and then hurried to the bathroom. When I turned around, Sage looked as on edge as I’d ever seen him. I knew it was a mix of his lust and his confusion over the feelings she stirred in him that were messing with his head.

“We need to go call the manager to get him down here to unlock the door. Do you want to go or should I?”

Sage just shook his head and I realized he was struggling above and beyond the norm. I snagged his hair in a none-too-gentle grip and tipped his head back. “Sage, go to the manager’s office and get the number. Bring it back here.”

The simple order was enough to get Sage focused. His eyes glazed over with need as he nodded. I leaned down to seal my mouth over his. His kiss was desperate and needy, and it fell to me to stop it with another sharp tug on his hair. “Go now.”

As he left the room, I heard the shower come on. I used the time to strip off my suit jacket and work my tie loose. Sage was back within a matter of minutes. He handed me his phone, which showed the number already dialed, so I hit send and put it to my ear. I wasn’t overly surprised when it went straight to voicemail.

“Voicemail,” I murmured before leaving a message telling the owner of the motel to contact us.

“Fuck,” Sage whispered, and then he began to pace. I watched him for a few moments before I grabbed his arm to stop his movement. If I didn’t distract him, his anxiety would continue to mount.

“Talk to me, Sage.”

He shook his head. “I can’t,” he admitted.

I sighed and pulled him over to one of the two beds and sat down. I tugged him down until he was straddling me.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of. I’m not angry.”

“How can you not be?” he snapped.

“Because I know you and I know what you’re feeling right now. I’m feeling it too.”

Sage shook his head. “But she’s not like one of our thirds.”

I nodded. “Because you have feelings for her.”

He tried to climb off my lap, but I wouldn’t let him. “I’m sick,” he whispered. “You deserve better.”

“Why do you think you’re sick?” I asked, though I already knew the answer.

“Because you’re perfect in every way… you’re perfect for me. But instead of that being enough…”

I yanked him down for a kiss before he could finish his sentence. I held him by the back of the neck until he softened beneath my hand. I pulled my mouth from his and firmly said, “Are you trying to make decisions for me?”

Sage quickly took note of my tone because he said, “No, Sir.”

“Good, because I have something else you need to be doing with that mouth of yours and I’d say you only have a few minutes left to do it in.”

Sage stiffened and then his mouth was on mine. His relief was evident as he scrambled to his knees in front of me. I knew we were taking a big risk with Daisy literally just feet away, but I also knew her presence was throwing Sage for a loop.

And not just physically.

Sage’s fingers were shaking as he worked my dick free of my pants. As he closed his hand around my thickness, I undid the buttons of my sleeves and then rolled them up. His eyes were glazed over with lust as he waited.

“Tell me what you want,” I said, as I threaded my fingers through his thick hair.

“To please you.”

His answer didn’t surprise me in the least. On most days, it was his stock answer. Only on the rarest occasions did he tell me something else, and he saved that for when he was in a bad way.