“Daisy, honey, what are you doing out here?” Sage asked.

“Sage?” she said, her words slightly slurred. Relief went through me as I realized she wasn’t hurt, she was drunk.

“Yeah, honey, it’s me. And Cash,” he added as he motioned to me. Daisy’s pretty, but very red-rimmed, eyes lifted to mine. Besides being drunk, my guess was she’d been crying at some point too because her eyes looked puffy.

“Locked myself out,” Daisy whined. The girl seemed unaware at her lack of clothing or how much of her body she was showing with her position. With her knees raised, I could see a hint of hot pink underwear and plenty of lush, pale skin. “Wanted chocolate.”

I stifled a chuckle at how whiny she sounded. Like of all the shit she’d been through, the worst of it was that she hadn’t gotten the chocolate she’d wanted.

“Can you stand up?” Sage asked.

She nodded and accepted Sage’s help. She wobbled a bit, but otherwise she seemed okay. So maybe not totally drunk, just a little buzzed.

“Why didn’t you go to the hotel office?” I asked.

“Locked,” she said tiredly. “There’s a note that the manager had an emergency and he won’t be back till tomorrow. He left a number, but my phone’s in there,” she said as she motioned to the room behind her.

“How did you get back here?” Sage asked.

“Memphis gave me a ride. He’s with two guys,” she said with a shy laugh. “Didya know that?” The smile that flitted across her mouth was adorable. But it was the way she was leaning into Sage’s touch that held most of my attention. I could tell that my lover was struggling with the contact. For all the flirting he’d done with Daisy, I suspected he’d never considered how to handle such close contact with her, especially since alcohol had seemed to loosen some of her inhibitions.

“You think they’re all together at once or someone has to sit by and watch?” she asked.

I smiled at Sage’s look of surprise. She’d directed the question to him and seemed genuinely interested. Yeah, she was definitely still feeling the alcohol.

“It’s probably a little bit of both,” he finally answered.

“I bet they’re really hot together,” she said absently as she leaned back against the door. Her lips parted slightly just before her tongue came out to wet them. Sage practically groaned, and I had to shift my stance to try to make room in my already-tight pants. Thank God she was too out of it to notice that between our anticipation of getting back to our room and finding her in such a state of undress, our bodies were more than ready to go.

“Never saw men kiss before,” Daisy whispered. She let out a little giggle before her eyes shifted between me and Sage. I didn’t need to hear her words to know what she was thinking.

And just like that, my desire exploded into something so intense that I was tempted to order Sage to his knees then and there. One look in his eyes and I knew he’d obey the order, without question.

“I liked watching them dance together,” Daisy whispered as her eyes settled on Sage. “The couples,” she added. “They… they all looked so beautiful together… so in love.”

The sadness that crept into her voice was heartbreaking.

“We didn’t see you dancing, Daisy,” I said as I moved closer to her.

“Don’t know how,” she murmured.

“But you wanted to?” I probed. Her eyes stayed with me as I leaned against the door next to her. I knew I was playing a dangerous game, but I couldn’t help myself.

She nodded.

“No one asked you?” I asked.

“Memphis asked. Mav, too…”

“But?” I prodded.

“Cash—” Sage warned, but I sent him a subtle shake of my head and he fell silent.

Daisy’s eyes held mine, her expression more serious. “They weren’t the ones I wanted to ask me.”

I let my fingers toy with the ends of her long hair as I asked, “And what would you have said if the right guys had asked?”

She swallowed hard and shifted her gaze to Sage before returning it to me. “I don’t know,” she admitted.

I saw her shiver, but I wasn’t certain if it was just from the cold or something else. I forced myself to step back. As much as I wanted to feel her out a bit more, I’d already pushed the borders of decency by getting her to admit more than she probably would have if she hadn’t been still feeling the effects of the alcohol.

“Why don’t you come wait in our room while we try to call the manager to get him to come unlock your door?” I said.

“Can’t you pick the lock?” she asked.

“We don’t have the tools we’d need with us,” I said. “Sage and I were traveling light and we didn’t really want to explain to TSA why we had the tools of our trade in our carry-on, if you know what I mean. If we can’t reach the manager, we’ll see if someone’s still at the party and can bring some by.”