Shame curled through me that she’d seen that.

“I didn’t understand it,” Daisy quickly continued. “But there was something beautiful in it… it was like… it was like you two became one in that moment. It was the same thing I saw at the wedding, and that night in the motel room. I’ve never seen two people so at ease with one another… but then this week you were both so different and I didn’t understand why.” She paused and said, “I shouldn’t have come here.”

“No,” I quickly said, but she covered my mouth with her fingers.

“And I should have said something earlier when I noticed something wasn’t right. I should have made it clear that nothing you two could have shared with me would have changed how I feel about you… about both of you.”

I wanted to ask her what it was she felt, but I was too afraid of the answer.

“Is he okay?” I asked, knowing she’d know what I meant.

She nodded. “God, he loves you so much, Sage.”

I closed my eyes and tried to stem the tears that threatened. But it didn’t work because Daisy began wiping them away as they fell. “Talk to me,” she urged.

“He deserves better,” I croaked.

I knew Cash was in the room with us. I’d felt his presence like I always did a few seconds ago when she’d told me he loved me. But somehow talking to him through Daisy made it easier. “He’s so strong and he gives me everything I need, but he never asks for anything in return.”

I expected Cash to chime in and argue with me, but it was Daisy who answered.

“That’s not what I see, Sage. I see a man who needs you just as much as you need him. I see someone who’s spent a lifetime questioning whether he’s strong enough. You give that to him. You’re proof that he is. And I saw you guys at the wedding. I’ve heard you bicker on the phone when we’re talking. That light that’s inside of you, Sage… that light that those terrible people in your past tried to snuff out… you share that with him. Every time you smile, laugh, say his name. Every time you lean into his touch, or press a kiss to his shoulder, or just look up at him with that thing – that look that tells him you’re okay, that you’re both okay – he feels that. Just like he takes some of the darkness away from you, you do that for him too. Don’t ever doubt that.”

I was stunned speechless. How had she managed to see so much in such a small span of time?

“Is it true, Cash?” I asked softly, though I kept my eyes on Daisy. Her thumb was sliding back and forth over my lower jawline.

I felt the bed dip behind me. I twisted my upper body so I could look at him. Daisy’s fingers fell away, but didn’t go far. I felt them on my chest, right over my heart.

“It’s true,” Cash murmured.

He’d told me as much many times, but somehow seeing it through Daisy’s eyes made it more real. And that had shame sifting through me. Cash’s word should have been enough. But I knew why it hadn’t been.

Because I’d trusted him with every facet of my body, but I’d never truly given him everything. I’d always held back part of myself.

“I’m sorr—”

That was as far as I got before his mouth sealed over mine. He kissed me deeply and my body instantly responded. I reached for the back of his neck to hold him to me. I felt his hand cover Daisy’s, which was still on my chest.

And I knew why he’d done it.

I’d felt Daisy moving away from me as soon as he’d kissed me.

Because she thought we didn’t want her there.

Cash kissed me for several more seconds, then pulled back. His eyes met Daisy’s across my body, then he whispered, “Thank you” to her. Before she could respond, his hand curled around the back of her head and he carefully drew her forward. His mouth covered hers much like it had mine. Daisy gasped in surprise and Cash took advantage by slipping his tongue into her mouth. From the way Daisy stiffened, I had to guess either she’d never been kissed so thoroughly… or she’d never been kissed at all.

I could have happily lay there all morning and watched them kiss, especially because Daisy started tentatively kissing Cash back. But Cash drew back from the kiss. His eyes held Daisy’s for the longest time, then he looked at me. I knew what he wanted, and I wanted it too.

And not just because he wanted it.

My eyes drifted to Daisy and I saw the exact moment understanding dawned. A host of emotions filtered across her pretty face as she tried to make sense of what was happening. I was certain she’d pull away and run, but then something in her expression shifted as she looked between me and Cash. Then she was leaning over me, her hand still pressed to my chest.