And I loved it.

The mix of pain, burning and pleasure had my whole body trying to adjust to the mix of sensations.

But the best part was the way Phoenix was wrapped around me.

Around me.

In me.

He was a part of me.

And I him.

I’d never felt more complete in my whole life. Everything was right in my world.

“So beautiful,” Phoenix whispered against my lips.

“I love you so much,” I said with a shake of my head, because I knew the words weren’t enough to convey what I was feeling. And I knew it wasn’t just the high that came along with the pleasure. It was more than that.

“I know, baby. I love you. And I promise you, we’re going to figure all this out and then we’ll be together. You’re mine, do you understand me?”

I nodded.

I was his.

No matter what any man did to me after this, I would always belong to Phoenix.

“Yours,” I said softly. He kissed me hard and then he began moving.

The result was powerful.

My dick, which had gone soft when Phoenix had begun his entry, sparked to life. My whole body lit up with need, excitement and anticipation. I wrapped my arms around Phoenix’s broad shoulders and my legs went around the backs of his. There was no space between us whatsoever, but I’d never felt freer.

I clung to him as he began to shuttle in and out of me with more speed and intensity.

“Keep your eyes on me,” Phoenix reminded me. I did, but not because I had any fear about seeing someone else if I closed them. There was just no mistaking who I was with.

Every time Phoenix rocked into me, his tight abdominal muscles brushed my cock, causing me to moan because of the sweet, agonizing pleasure of it all. My orgasm was just beneath the surface, but unlike the first one which had snuck up on me, this one was building infinitely slower.

And I knew it was because Phoenix wanted it that way.

His power over me, himself, us, was absolute. His body worked mine expertly. Each time the climax built on itself, I sucked in more of Phoenix’s sounds, smells and flavors. The heat wafting off his body, his powerful muscles flexing beneath my fingers, his sweat mingling with mine…it all just drove me higher and higher. It got to the point that I was afraid of the climax that was coming. I wouldn’t be able to control it. Not it, not myself. On the one hand, it was what I wanted. But now that it was here, I was scared.

“I’m right here,” Phoenix reminded me, his voice hoarse and gruff as he pounded into me. There was no longer any pain or burn. Just pressure and friction and heat. And that coil winding tighter and tighter inside of me.

“I’m afraid of it,” I admitted between ragged breaths.

“I know you are, baby, but you don’t need to be. This is what love really is.”

And I knew that was what I was afraid of. Not the actual fall, but knowing it was the beginning of the end. Knowing what I’d have to do once it was over.

I wanted to resist as long as I could, but when Phoenix shifted his hips and hit that spot deep inside of me, I was helpless to stop the release that shattered me into million pieces.

I screamed as the pleasure rolled over me with the strength of a hundred freight trains. Blackness threatened my vision, but the sound of Phoenix’s guttural cry and the feeling of his cock pulsing inside of me kept me grounded and I forced my eyes open to watch the man in my arms fly apart.

I had no words to describe him in that moment. But I’d remember it forever.

I welcomed Phoenix’s weight as he crashed down on me. I was hot, sweaty and exhausted, but I couldn’t think of any place I’d rather be in that moment. The feeling lasted long after Phoenix withdrew from my body.

And after he gently pulled me from the bed.

And as he lovingly washed me in the shower.

And even as I fell asleep in his arms.

But by the time I opened my eyes just as the sun’s rays began filtering into the room, the feeling was long gone and I was once again cold and empty. And while it didn’t make it any easier to carefully extricate myself from Phoenix’s arms, it was a good reminder the night before had been just that.

A night.

A perfect night that I’d take with me and that would rest beside that other night I’d been carrying around in my mind for seven years.

As I got dressed and walked out of Phoenix’s room, I allowed myself one long last look at him and hoped it would be enough to see me through the coming days.