“Jesus, God!” I shouted as I slapped my hand over Phoenix’s where it was resting on my skin. Another lick had me fisting my other hand into the bedding. By the third lick, I was pressing my ass against his face, not caring how it might look. I just wanted more.

I lost all sense of time and space as he continued to lick me. I reached for my dick, but was surprised when Phoenix grabbed my hand and pressed it to the bed. He did the same with my other hand…it wasn’t enough to actually restrain me and if I wanted to get my hand free, I could. But the message was clear. He wanted to continue the sensual torture, but he didn’t want me to come yet.

I wasn’t sure how long I’d last because the need to come was wreaking havoc with my senses. I felt too hot and too tight all over. Like I wanted to bust out of my own skin. I dug my fingers into Phoenix’s hands, not caring about anything else but hanging onto him…like I was afraid if I let him go, I’d drift away from him, from this moment.

Phoenix continued the licks and kisses, but when I felt his tongue probing the entrance to my body, I froze.

No way! He couldn’t be planning to…

But that was exactly what he did.

I didn’t move for all of five seconds as Phoenix’s tongue thrust into my body and then pulled back out before pushing in again. But as soon as his tongue entered me again and he licked my insides, I lost it and spewed cum all over myself as my orgasm wrenched through me without any kind of warning. I instinctively jammed my hips up, even though there was nothing to fuck but air. My dick didn’t care, though, because seed kept shooting from it, hitting me on the chest, the chin and God only knew where else. And the whole time, Phoenix kept fucking me with his tongue.

When my body was spent, I let my weight sink into the bedding as the euphoria covered me like a warm, soft blanket. I was staring at Phoenix’s ceiling, but for all I knew, it was a soft white cloud.

Because I had to be floating.

It was the only way to explain the weightlessness.

I was dimly aware of Phoenix shifting his weight as he released my hands, but I couldn’t move. A warm, wet tongue slid up my dick and then closed around the tip and sucked gently. I moaned at how sensitive my cock felt, but luckily Phoenix knew to keep the pressure light. His mouth moved up my body, licking me as he went.

Collecting every drop of evidence that my body hadn’t had any issue with what Phoenix had just done to me.

And truthfully, my mind no longer did either.

He’d been right…the pleasure two people who loved one another could bring to each other’s bodies could never be wrong.

Because nothing had ever felt more right in that moment.

“You okay?” Phoenix asked when he got to my mouth.

I nodded. “More than,” I murmured drowsily.

He kissed me gently and I tasted myself. I could have fallen asleep then and there, but the more he kissed me, the more my body began to come alive again. No, my dick wasn’t joining the party just yet, but all thoughts of sleep drifted away as I wrapped my arms around Phoenix’s neck and kissed him back. His cock was still hard where it was pressed against my hip. I hadn’t even given one thought to his pleasure. It was a testament to how well he’d loved me…how well he’d used the trust I’d given him.

And he’d given me exactly what I’d wanted in return.

I’d chosen to let him pleasure me. I’d given him the power to do to my body what he had. I’d gotten to feel. There’d been no fear of what was coming next or whether he would hurt me or not. Because I’d already had those answers going into this.

He wouldn’t hurt me.

It was like he’d said…he’d cut off his arm before he raised it against me.

I brought my hands up to hold Phoenix’s face so I could have his complete attention. When his dark eyes met mine, I whispered, “What did I do to deserve you?”

“You were you,” he answered. His mouth moved over mine and I knew that even with everything he’d given me, I wanted more.

I wanted it all.

“Make love to me, Phoenix.”

He stilled and then leaned back enough so he could brace himself on his elbow. His fingers skirted through my damp hair, pushing it off my forehead. “We don’t have to do anything else tonight,” he said. “We have plenty of time.”

Time was one thing we most definitely did not have, but I didn’t tell him that. Even if I could have changed things so that there was a way I could spend the rest of my life with him, I’d still want him right now just as badly. It wasn’t an issue of time at all. It was much simpler than that.