His fingers were shaking as he worked my button free and then carefully pulled the zipper down. I helped him push my jeans past my hips, but didn’t reach for my underwear since I wanted to see what he would do. His hand came up to tentatively stroke me through the briefs. I willed my body to relax, but it was an impossible request with Levi’s fingers exploring my length and thickness. When he removed his hand, I thought maybe he was finished, but then his hands slid around to my ass and he pressed his nose right up against my crotch. He nuzzled my cock through the fabric and then, without warning, closed his mouth around the shaft. I couldn’t stifle the groan that spilled out of me.

Levi’s eyes lifted to mine. “I…I never liked this part, but I want to see if it’s different with you. I don’t want you to be disappointed if I can’t-”

I leaned down to stop his words with a kiss. “Nothing you do will ever disappoint me,” I said and then I lifted again.

Levi’s fingertips grazed my skin as he reached for the waistband of the briefs. He took his time sliding them down my hips, carefully working the material over my hardness. He studied me for a long time before he put his hand around the base of my dick and stroked up towards the tip. I knew it would be an impossible thing to be silent for his explorations because just the sensation of his hand on my highly-sensitized cock was enough to have me moaning deep in my throat. I watched pre-cum well up from the tip and slide down the shaft until it hit Levi’s hand. The contrast of his pale skin against my dark flesh was mesmerizing, as was the sight of his mouth parting when my juices continued to gather at the juncture where his thumb met his finger. I watched in fascination as Levi released me and lifted his hand to his mouth. His pink tongue darted out to taste the nearly clear fluid.

‘Fuck,” I whispered before I could stop myself.

Levi’s eyes returned to mine as he considered my taste. It wasn’t until he leaned forward and let his tongue flick against the head of my dick that I had the answer to the question of whether or not what he’d tasted had turned him off.

Every time more pre-cum bubbled up, Levi licked it away. I was already struggling to control my raging lust when he closed his mouth over my tip and sucked gently. A ragged moan tore free of my throat which had Levi looking up at me, even as his mouth remained wrapped around my cock.

“Jesus,” I whispered as I took in the sight of his lips stretched around me. No fucking way I was going to last.

I let him pull me a little deeper down his throat, but when the base of my spine began to tingle and the pressure in my balls mounted, I gently pulled Levi to his feet and kissed him. “Not going to last if you keep doing that,” I murmured against his mouth.

“You taste good,” he said with a sigh.

“God, you’re killing me here,” I said with a groan. He smiled against my mouth.

“I’ll behave, I promise.”

I chuckled and kissed him again. I was glad that he was feeling good enough to joke with me. I kissed him long and deep as I began working his pants open. When he didn’t protest, I pushed his pants and underwear down and then urged him to sit on the bed so I could get them all the way off. As soon as he was naked, I settled my weight on top of him. From what he’d told me about what his brother had done to him, I’d surmised that he’d been raped from behind, so I most definitely wanted to keep us face to face.

Though that wasn’t the only reason.

Not by a long shot.

Levi’s hands roamed over my back as we made out, but it wasn’t until they gripped my ass that my lust shot to a whole new level. I began humping against him so our cocks were rubbing back and forth over one another. Levi let out a little whimper as he began thrusting his hips upwards.

“Phoenix,” he croaked.

I knew what the desperation in his voice meant and while I was eager to get inside of his tight little body, I knew he wasn’t anywhere near mentally ready. So, I lifted off him enough so that there was some much-needed space between our bodies and then I trailed my lips down his neck. I nipped at him gently before I sucked on his skin hard enough to leave a mark.

A mark he’d see for days to come and remember this moment.