Memphis had waited only long enough for Ronan to declare that I was going to live before laying into me for my foolishness in going after Aleks with just Magnus and inadequate intel. The old me would have bristled at Memphis’s words, but the new me realized two things. One, that he was so pissed because he was actually worried about me. And two, he was absolutely right.

I’d put myself, and more importantly, Magnus and Aleks at risk with my brash behavior. My instincts had been telling me something was wrong with the whole situation as we’d entered the house, but I’d had a one-track mind.

Save Aleks.

“And another thing-”

“Hey Memphis,” Ronan said.


“Give it a rest.” I saw Ronan’s gaze shift from Memphis to Aleks and I finally realized how terrified my brother looked. His hand had been holding onto mine hard, but I’d figured he was upset about watching me get stitched up.

“Aleks,” I said gently, getting his attention. “He’s not really mad at me,” I said, motioning to Memphis. “He’s just worried. You know like when we were at the zoo and you ran off and Mama couldn’t find you and when she did, she yelled at you and then started crying.”

Aleks nodded and then took a deep breath. “He’s like family?” he finally asked.

I nodded. “They all are,” I said. “This is Ronan. That’s Memphis and over there is Magnus.”

“Você ama ele,” he said as he nodded in Magnus’s direction.

“I love him, yes,” I said softly, not caring that Ronan and Memphis were around to hear me admit it. I hadn’t talked to Magnus about what his plans were for telling people about us, but a quick glance at him showed he wasn’t upset in the least.

“Isso te incomoda?” I asked, but when Aleks looked at me in confusion, I realized he hadn’t understood the words. “Sorry,” I murmured. I should have expected his Portuguese to be rusty since he wouldn’t have had anyone to speak the language with in years. “Does it bother you?” I asked.

Aleks looked back and forth between me and Magnus and then shook his head.

“I’m finished here,” Ronan said as he tied off the last stitch. He covered the wound with a bandage and then got to his feet. “Take these when you’re ready to sleep because they’ll knock you out.” He put some pills on the nightstand. “Memphis and I are going to go get a room. We’ll plan to fly out first thing in the morning if you’re up for it.”

I nodded. “Thanks, Ronan.”

“You’re welcome. If you need anything else,” – he glanced at Aleks and I knew the doctor in him really wanted to examine my brother, but the man in him knew he was in no condition to be touched by a strange man – “let me know.”

“I will, thanks. Do you think you can find some bolt cutters to get that off?” I asked as I motioned to Aleks’s collar, which I’d seen enough of to know it had been permanently welded around my brother’s neck so there was no way to remove it besides cutting one of the links.

Before Ronan could respond, Aleks cried out, “No!” His hand flew to the collar as he said, “Father will…he’ll be angry…” Aleks’s voice dropped off and I suspected he was remembering Parks was dead, but his hand stayed at the collar, protecting it. I could tell Aleks was nearing the end of his rope. He was clearly overwhelmed and suffering from shock.

“It’s okay, Aleks,” I quickly said, squeezing my brother’s hand. “It stays on for as long as you want.”

Aleks managed a nod, though he still seemed shaken.

Ronan stepped aside so Memphis could drop his hand affectionately on my lower arm. “Get some rest, kid. I’ll yell at you some more tomorrow.”

I smiled at that. But just as both men headed for the door, I said, “Hey, Memphis. There’s this guy, Remy, who’s on his way to Seattle. His bus arrives later today. I told him I’d have someone meet him there and help him get settled…he’s the reason we found Aleks.”

Memphis nodded. “I’ll take care of it.”


Magnus got up and came over to me. He leaned down to kiss me tenderly. “Do you want me to go or stay?”

I knew he wasn’t asking for me, but for Aleks. I glanced at my brother who seemed okay around Magnus. “Stay,” I said softly. Magnus nodded and then he went and got the chair and sat down in it next to the bed. His fingers curled around mine and he gently stroked my hair from my battered face. “You should take the pain pills,” he urged as he nodded at the pills Ronan had left behind.

“Not yet,” I said, even though my body hurt all over.

“You guys can talk tomorrow,” Magnus said and then he motioned to Aleks who at some point had leaned back against the headboard and closed his eyes.