“Don’t stop, okay?” I said in a rush. I really didn’t understand what I was asking for, but I knew I wasn’t there yet.

“Never,” Dante breathed against my mouth. Minutes or seconds passed – I wasn’t sure which – when I finally felt Dante’s heavy balls pressing against my ass. “I have to move, Magnus. I’m sorry,” Dante said harshly. I loved the need that was pouring off him. I loved that even though he’d done this countless times before, he was just as desperate as me.

“So perfect, Dante,” I said as I shook my head in disbelief when Dante pulled out and pushed slowly back into me. “I love you so much. So fucking much…”

Dante gasped and then he surged into me and covered my mouth with his. I hadn’t meant to tell him the words yet, but like in so many of my other encounters with Dante in these past two weeks, I had no control.

He surged into me over and over and the pain and burn went away as the friction built. He was so hot and hard inside of me that I wanted to thank him for having the forethought to insist we got tested. The idea of being able to experience his body in the same way he was experiencing mine, of being able to finally mark him in the way I wanted, only served to ratchet my need even higher. I wrapped both my arms and legs around him as he rocked into me over and over again, his face buried in the spot where my neck met my shoulder. I was so close to coming that I wanted to enjoy the last few seconds I had just before I went over, but then Dante shifted his hips just a little and I went off like a rocket as something inside of me exploded. I might have called his name and told him I loved him again, but I couldn’t be sure because nothing existed outside the shower of pleasure that rained down on me. I saw darkness, then light as my cock erupted and I dimly realized he hadn’t even needed to touch me there to get me off. The orgasm continued every time Dante surged into me and I reached a point where I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to catch my breath. But when the stranglehold of pleasure finally began to ease, I was only aware of Dante relentlessly slinging into me over and over again. He’d locked his elbows so he could watch me as I’d come and I met his dark eyes which were filled with an almost frightening level of desperation that seemed to border on panic.

“Magnus,” he whispered harshly as sweat dripped off his forehead.

“It’s okay, baby,” I murmured as I gripped the side of his head. He pressed against my hand and then shook his head. Whatever emotion I’d been feeling as I’d found my own release seemed to be amplified in Dante. But while I had accepted those feelings for what they were, he was fighting them. I managed to urge him down until he was lying on top of me, his dick still pounding into me, drawing out the remains of my own orgasm. But I was focused on the man above me who was fighting a losing battle with his emotions. “Kiss me, Dante,” I said softly. He immediately dipped his lips and brushed them over mine. Again and again he kissed me with feather-light caresses. I wrapped my arms around his back and let my palms skate over his slick skin.

“I’m right here,” I reminded him between kisses. He shook his head again and I knew he was torn. “Just show me, baby,” I told him, since I knew the words were what were crippling him. “Show me,” I urged again, my voice barely a whisper between us.

Dante dipped down to kiss me hard and then he cried out against my lips as his body finally gave in. He rammed his cock into me over and over as his release burned my insides. I closed my eyes as another rush of pleasure consumed me. Sobs of relief tore from Dante’s throat as he buried his face against my neck and I covered his head with my hand to hold him there.

“It’s okay,” I said softly against his head as his body shook violently against mine. I wasn’t sure how much of that was the aftereffects of his orgasm and how much was something more…something deeper. When the tremors finally started to fade, I used my free hand to search out the blanket and I drew it over his quickly cooling skin. He hadn’t moved at all, though I could tell from his breathing and the way he still clung to me that he hadn’t nodded off. His silence was making me nervous, but I had to believe that whatever emotional wall that had come crashing down for him was one he wouldn’t feel the need to erect again.