“Jesus,” I bit out.

Magnus, please…

The sound of Dante’s soft whisper had me closing my eyes and reaching for my cock.

“How do you want it, Dante?” I asked as I fisted my dick with one hand while running the other over his lower back before slipping my fingers between the globes of his ass.

A breathy, “Now,” was all I heard and then a hand closed around my cock and urged me forward until there was nothing but white-hot heat and…

“Fuck. Dante,” I groaned as I came hard, cum spilling over my hand and onto the floor. I looked down in disbelief at the ropes of semen all over the walnut colored hardwood. I didn’t even remember taking my cock out of my pants. My knees shook as a violent aftershock rolled through me and another spurt of cum welled up from my dick.

I stared at the proof of my release, not caring that what was on my hand was now dripping onto my pants. Because there was just no more denying it…the proof was literally in my hand.

I wanted Dante and I wanted him badly.

Chapter Seven


I hated Magnus’s place. Yeah, the house was nice and his horses were pretty cool, but it was just too fucking quiet. I knew that was pretty much the point of living in the country, but I’d take the hustle and bustle of the city any day. Too much quiet left you with nothing to do but think…and to question things.

And I was damn tired of questioning things.

Like why Magnus had gotten so pissed off just because I’d been sweeping the bedrooms. It wasn’t like I’d gone rooting around in them trying to dig up shit on him.

Okay, yeah, I kind of knew why he’d gotten mad.

Coming back to this place had stirred up all kinds of shit for him – I’d known that even before I’d seen him standing at his front door with fisted hands and his head pressed up against the wood. But to know he’d had to take the time to psyche himself up to step over the threshold of his own house was hard to acknowledge.

Because it meant Magnus wasn’t the hard-ass I’d always pegged him as. He wasn’t untouched by his past.

It was the first and only thing we had in common.

But it was a damn powerful thing.

I leaned back in the rocking chair and surveyed my surroundings. There wasn’t much to see except for acre after acre of farmland, some untouched, some looking like it had recently been turned under. There was a long fence bordering Magnus’s property and I could see some cows grazing on the other side. I figured they belonged to the farm that appeared to be Magnus’s only neighbor since his property didn’t seem to have anything to do with raising cattle. But even that farm had to be at least a half a mile away.

I stiffened as I heard the front door open, but I forced myself not to look that direction. But I did anyway when I didn’t hear footsteps or the door closing. I saw Magnus standing in the doorway, his eyes on me. He had two beers in his hand and his hair was damp. He’d also changed his clothes. I waited for him to say something, but he just stared at me…well, not me exactly.

The chairs…he was staring at the rocking chairs.

Fuck, were these off limits too? I bit back the urge to make a snide comment about how fucking uptight he was about his personal space, but decided against it and climbed to my feet instead. “Sorry,” I muttered. Before I could even take a few steps, Magnus was moving.

“No,” he said softly as he stepped in front of me, blocking my escape. “Please,” he said as he motioned to the chair I’d been sitting in.

I warily lowered myself back down and kept my eyes on him as he dropped down into the other chair. He handed me one of the bottles of beer. When I didn’t take it right away, he said, “Peace offering.”

I hesitated and then took the beer. Was he just playing with me? And why the hell did he smell so damn good?

I eased back into the chair and forced my eyes on our surroundings again. One positive thing about living out in in Bumfuck, you could see someone coming from miles away…literally.

“I owe you an apology, Dante,” Magnus said.

“Just one?” I automatically responded and then cursed myself. Only guys who gave a shit expected apologies.

And I didn’t give a shit, right?

“Don’t worry about it,” I muttered as I took a sip of the beer.

I was greeted with silence except for the creaking of Magnus’s rocking chair and the occasional sounds of crickets doing whatever it was they did when they were looking for action.

“I didn’t want to see her room,” Magnus murmured, but when I glanced at him, his eyes were on his beer and he was worrying the label with his fingernail. “I hadn’t seen either room since…since a few days after she left. I searched hers once to see if I could find anything that would tell me where she’d gone, but after that, I closed the door and I never looked in it again. Not even after Hawke showed up.”